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uart_conf_t Struct Reference

UART device configuration. More...

Detailed Description

UART device configuration.

UART configuration data.

Configuration details for an UART interface needed by the RPX0XX peripheral.

MSP430 x1xx UART configuration, board level.

MSP430 F2xx/G2xx UART configuration, board level.

UART module configuration options.

Structure for UART configuration data.

UART configuration structure type.

QN908x doesn't have any UART standalone blocks, but it has two FLEXCOMM blocks that can be put in UART mode. The USART_Type* address is one of the FLEXCOMM_Type* addresses as well.

     The frequency f() of the clock `gclk_src` must fulfill the condition

         16 * baud < f(gclk_src) ≤ 2²⁰ * baud

     in Asynchronous Arithmetic mode and

         16 * baud < f(gclk_src) ≤ 2¹⁷ * baud

     in Asynchronous Fractional mode

Definition at line 218 of file periph_cpu.h.

#include <periph_cpu.h>

Data Fields

USART_t * dev
 pointer to the used UART device
pwr_reduction_t pwr
 Power Management.
gpio_t rx_pin
 pin used for RX
gpio_t tx_pin
 pin used for TX
cpu_int_lvl_t rx_int_lvl
 RX Complete Interrupt Level.
cpu_int_lvl_t tx_int_lvl
 TX Complete Interrupt Level.
cpu_int_lvl_t dre_int_lvl
 Data Registry Empty Interrupt Level.
 pointer to the used UART device
void * dev
 UART, USART or LEUART device used.
uint32_t loc
 location of UART pins
CMU_Clock_TypeDef cmu
 the device CMU channel
IRQn_Type irq
 the devices base IRQ channel
gpio_t txd
 GPIO used as TxD pin.
gpio_t rxd
 GPIO used as RxD pin.
uint32_t addr
 UART control register address.
gpio_t rx
 RX pin.
gpio_t tx
 TX pin.
irqn_t isr_num
 ISR source number.
USART_Type * dev
 UART device base register address.
uint32_t rcu_mask
 bit in clock enable register
uint8_t bus
 APB bus.
uint8_t irqn
 IRQ channel.
uint32_t freq
 Module clock frequency, usually CLOCK_CORECLOCK or CLOCK_BUSCLOCK.
gpio_t pin_rx
 RX pin, GPIO_UNDEF disables RX.
gpio_t pin_tx
 TX pin.
IRQn_Type irqn
 IRQ number for this module.
volatile uint32_t * scgc_addr
 Clock enable register, in SIM module.
uint8_t scgc_bit
 Clock enable bit, within the register.
uart_mode_t mode
 UART mode: data bits, parity, stop bits.
uart_type_t type
 Hardware module type (KINETIS_UART or KINETIS_LPUART)
LPC_UART_TypeDef * dev
 pointer to the UART device
uint8_t irq_rx
 RX IRQ number.
uint8_t clk_offset
 The offset of the periph in the clk sel.
uint8_t pinsel
 PINSEL# of the RX and TX pin.
uint8_t pinsel_shift
 TX/RX bitshift of the PINSEL# register.
uint8_t pinsel_af
 Alternate function of the PINSEL# register.
lpc23xx_uart_t * dev
 pointer to the UART device
uint8_t irq_prio_rx
 priority of the RX IRQ
uint8_t pinsel_rx
 PINSEL# of the RX pin

uint8_t pinsel_tx
 PINSEL# of the TX pin

uint32_t pinsel_msk_rx

uint32_t pinsel_msk_tx

const msp430_usci_uart_params_tuart
 The UART configuration to use.
const msp430_usart_uart_params_tuart
 The UART configuration to use.
NRF_UART_Type * dev
 UART device base register address.
UART0_Type * dev
 Base address of the I/O registers of the device.
SercomUsart * dev
 pointer to the used UART device
gpio_mux_t mux
 alternative function for pins
uart_rxpad_t rx_pad
 pad selection for RX line
uart_txpad_t tx_pad
 pad selection for TX line
uart_flag_t flags
 set optional SERCOM flags
uint8_t gclk_src
 GCLK source which supplys SERCOM.
Uart * dev
 U(S)ART device used.
uint8_t pmc_id
 bit in the PMC register of the device
USART_TypeDef * dev
 UART device base register address.
uint32_t rcc_mask
 bit in clock enable register
gpio_af_t rx_af
 alternate function for RX pin
gpio_af_t tx_af
 alternate function for TX pin

Field Documentation

◆ addr

uint32_t uart_conf_t::addr

UART control register address.

Definition at line 63 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ bus

uint8_t uart_conf_t::bus

APB bus.

Definition at line 335 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ clk_offset

uint8_t uart_conf_t::clk_offset

The offset of the periph in the clk sel.

Definition at line 84 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ cmu

CMU_Clock_TypeDef uart_conf_t::cmu

the device CMU channel

Definition at line 660 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ dev [1/11]

USART_Type * uart_conf_t::dev

pointer to the used UART device

Pointer to module hardware registers.

Definition at line 219 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ dev [2/11]

cc2538_uart_t* uart_conf_t::dev

pointer to the used UART device

Definition at line 167 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ dev [3/11]

void* uart_conf_t::dev

UART, USART or LEUART device used.

Pointer to module hardware registers.

Definition at line 654 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ dev [4/11]

USART_Type* uart_conf_t::dev

UART device base register address.

Pointer to module hardware registers.

Definition at line 331 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ dev [5/11]

LPC_UART_TypeDef* uart_conf_t::dev

pointer to the UART device

Definition at line 82 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ dev [6/11]

lpc23xx_uart_t* uart_conf_t::dev

pointer to the UART device

Definition at line 106 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ dev [7/11]

NRF_UART_Type* uart_conf_t::dev

UART device base register address.

Definition at line 394 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

◆ dev [8/11]

UART0_Type* uart_conf_t::dev

Base address of the I/O registers of the device.

Definition at line 434 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ dev [9/11]

SercomUsart* uart_conf_t::dev

pointer to the used UART device

Definition at line 340 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

◆ dev [10/11]

Uart* uart_conf_t::dev

U(S)ART device used.

Definition at line 121 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

◆ dev [11/11]

USART_TypeDef* uart_conf_t::dev

UART device base register address.

Definition at line 105 of file cpu_uart.h.

◆ dre_int_lvl

cpu_int_lvl_t uart_conf_t::dre_int_lvl

Data Registry Empty Interrupt Level.

Definition at line 229 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ flags

uart_flag_t uart_conf_t::flags

set optional SERCOM flags

Definition at line 350 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

◆ freq

uint32_t uart_conf_t::freq

Module clock frequency, usually CLOCK_CORECLOCK or CLOCK_BUSCLOCK.

Definition at line 547 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ gclk_src

uint8_t uart_conf_t::gclk_src

GCLK source which supplys SERCOM.

Definition at line 351 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

◆ irq

IRQn_Type uart_conf_t::irq

the devices base IRQ channel

Definition at line 661 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ irq_prio_rx

uint8_t uart_conf_t::irq_prio_rx

priority of the RX IRQ

Definition at line 107 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ irq_rx

uint8_t uart_conf_t::irq_rx

RX IRQ number.

Definition at line 83 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ irqn [1/2]

uint8_t uart_conf_t::irqn

IRQ channel.

IRQ number of the UART interface.

interrupt number of the device

Definition at line 336 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ irqn [2/2]

IRQn_Type uart_conf_t::irqn

IRQ number for this module.

IRQ number of the UART interface.

Definition at line 559 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ isr_num

irqn_t uart_conf_t::isr_num

ISR source number.

Definition at line 66 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ loc

uint32_t uart_conf_t::loc

location of UART pins

Definition at line 658 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ mode

uart_mode_t uart_conf_t::mode

UART mode: data bits, parity, stop bits.

Definition at line 562 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ mux

gpio_mux_t uart_conf_t::mux

alternative function for pins

MUX used for pins.

Definition at line 347 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

◆ pin_rx

gpio_t uart_conf_t::pin_rx

RX pin, GPIO_UNDEF disables RX.

Definition at line 548 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ pin_tx

gpio_t uart_conf_t::pin_tx

TX pin.

Definition at line 549 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ pinsel

uint8_t uart_conf_t::pinsel

PINSEL# of the RX and TX pin.

Definition at line 85 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ pinsel_af

uint8_t uart_conf_t::pinsel_af

Alternate function of the PINSEL# register.

Definition at line 87 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ pinsel_msk_rx

uint32_t uart_conf_t::pinsel_msk_rx


Definition at line 110 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ pinsel_msk_tx

uint32_t uart_conf_t::pinsel_msk_tx


Definition at line 111 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ pinsel_rx

uint8_t uart_conf_t::pinsel_rx

PINSEL# of the RX pin

Definition at line 108 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ pinsel_shift

uint8_t uart_conf_t::pinsel_shift

TX/RX bitshift of the PINSEL# register.

Definition at line 86 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ pinsel_tx

uint8_t uart_conf_t::pinsel_tx

PINSEL# of the TX pin

Definition at line 109 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ pmc_id

uint8_t uart_conf_t::pmc_id

bit in the PMC register of the device

Definition at line 125 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

◆ pwr

pwr_reduction_t uart_conf_t::pwr

Power Management.

Definition at line 220 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ rcc_mask

uint32_t uart_conf_t::rcc_mask

bit in clock enable register

Definition at line 106 of file cpu_uart.h.

◆ rcu_mask

uint32_t uart_conf_t::rcu_mask

bit in clock enable register

Definition at line 332 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ rx

gpio_t uart_conf_t::rx

RX pin.

Definition at line 64 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ rx_af

gpio_af_t uart_conf_t::rx_af

alternate function for RX pin

Definition at line 110 of file cpu_uart.h.

◆ rx_int_lvl

cpu_int_lvl_t uart_conf_t::rx_int_lvl

RX Complete Interrupt Level.

Definition at line 227 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ rx_pad

uart_rxpad_t uart_conf_t::rx_pad

pad selection for RX line

Definition at line 348 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

◆ rx_pin

gpio_t uart_conf_t::rx_pin

pin used for RX

GPIO pin to use for RX.

RX pin, GPIO_UNDEF disables RX.

RX pin.

Definition at line 221 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ rxd

gpio_t uart_conf_t::rxd

GPIO used as RxD pin.

Definition at line 978 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ scgc_addr

volatile uint32_t* uart_conf_t::scgc_addr

Clock enable register, in SIM module.

Definition at line 560 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ scgc_bit

uint8_t uart_conf_t::scgc_bit

Clock enable bit, within the register.

Definition at line 561 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ tx

gpio_t uart_conf_t::tx

TX pin.

Definition at line 65 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ tx_af

gpio_af_t uart_conf_t::tx_af

alternate function for TX pin

Definition at line 111 of file cpu_uart.h.

◆ tx_int_lvl

cpu_int_lvl_t uart_conf_t::tx_int_lvl

TX Complete Interrupt Level.

Definition at line 228 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ tx_pad

uart_txpad_t uart_conf_t::tx_pad

pad selection for TX line

Definition at line 349 of file periph_cpu_common.h.

◆ tx_pin

gpio_t uart_conf_t::tx_pin

pin used for TX

GPIO pin to use for TX.

TX pin, GPIO_UNDEF disables TX.

TX pin.

Definition at line 222 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ txd

gpio_t uart_conf_t::txd

GPIO used as TxD pin.

Definition at line 977 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ type

uart_type_t uart_conf_t::type

Hardware module type (KINETIS_UART or KINETIS_LPUART)

Definition at line 563 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ uart [1/2]

const msp430_usci_uart_params_t* uart_conf_t::uart

The UART configuration to use.

Definition at line 159 of file periph_cpu.h.

◆ uart [2/2]

const msp430_usart_uart_params_t* uart_conf_t::uart

The UART configuration to use.

Definition at line 172 of file periph_cpu.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: