No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NriotRIOT C++ namespace
 C__pthread_cleanup_datumInternal structure for pthread_cleanup_push()
 C__pthread_rwlock_waiter_node_tInternal structure that stores one waiting thread
 C_coap_request_ctxCoAP resource request handler context
 C_gnrc_tcp_common_tcb_list_tTCB list type
 C_nib_abr_entry_tInternal NIB-representation of the authoritative border router for multihop prefix and 6LoWPAN context dissemination
 C_nib_dr_entry_tDefault route NIB entry
 C_nib_offl_entry_tOff-link NIB entry
 C_nib_onl_entryOn-link NIB entry
 C_si1133_channel_paramsSi1133 channel parameters
 C_sock_tl_epCommon IP-based transport layer end point
 C_threadthread_t holds thread's context data
 C_unusedMarks an unused section of the packet buffer arena array
 Cad7746AD7746 device descriptor
 Cad7746_paramsAD7746 params
 Cadc_chan_conf_tADC channel configuration
 Cadc_conf_chan_tADC Channel Configuration
 Cadc_conf_tADC device configuration
 Cadcxx1cADCxx1C device descriptor
 Cadcxx1c_paramsADCxx1C params
 Cadi_3_refsys_regs_m4_tADI_3_REFSYS registers
 Cadi_3_refsys_regs_tADI_3_REFSYS registers
 Cadi_4_aux_regs_m8_tADI_4_AUX registers using masked 8-bit access
 Cadi_4_aux_regs_tADI_4_AUX registers
 Cads101xADS101x/111x device descriptor
 Cads101x_alertADS101x/111x alert device descriptor
 Cads101x_alert_paramsADS101x/111x alert params
 Cads101x_paramsADS101x/111x params
 Cadt7310_tDevice descriptor for ADT7310 sensors
 Cadxl345_data_tADXL345 result vector struct
 Cadxl345_interrupt_tInterrupt configuration struct for the ADXL345 sensor
 Cadxl345_params_tConfiguration struct for the ADXL345 sensor
 Cadxl345_tDevice descriptor for the ADXL345 sensor
 Caes128_cmac_context_tAES128_CMAC calculation context
 Caes_context_tCipher_context_t-struct adapted for AES
 Caip31068_params_tAIP31068 device initialization parameters
 Caip31068_tAIP31068 PWM device data structure type
 Caon_ioc_regs_tAON_IOC registers
 Caon_pmctl_regs_tAON_PMCTL registers
 Caon_rtc_regs_tAON_RTC registers
 Caon_sysctl_regs_tAON_SYSCTL registers
 Caon_wuc_regs_tAON_WUC registers
 Capa102_params_tConfiguration parameters for (chained) APA102 LEDs
 Capds99xx_int_config_tInterrupt configuration
 Capds99xx_int_source_tInterrupt source
 Capds99xx_params_tAPDS99XX device initialization parameters
 Capds99xx_rgb_tRGB count value data structure (APDS9950 and APDS9960 only)
 Capds99xx_tAPDS99XX sensor device data structure type
 Casymcute_conAsymcute connection context
 Casymcute_reqAsymcute request context
 Casymcute_subData-structure holding the state of subscriptions
 Casymcute_topicData-structure for holding topics and their registration status
 Casymcute_willData structure for defining a last will
 Casync_read_tInterrupt callback information structure
 Cat24cxxx_paramsStruct that holds initialization parameters
 Cat24cxxx_tStruct that represents an AT24CXXX device
 Cat24mac_params_tStruct holding all params needed for device communication
 Cat25xxx_params_tStruct holding all params needed for device initialization
 Cat25xxx_tStruct that represents an AT25XXX device
 Cat30tse75x_tDevice descriptor for a AT30TSE75x device
 Cat86rf215Device descriptor for AT86RF215 radio devices
 Cat86rf215_BBC_regsBase Band Controller registers
 Cat86rf215_paramsStruct holding all params needed for device initialization
 Cat86rf215_RF_regsRadio Frontend registers
 Cat86rf2xx_paramsStruct holding all params needed for device initialization
 Cat86rf2xx_tDevice descriptor for AT86RF2XX radio devices
 Cat_dev_init_tAT device initialization parameters
 Cat_dev_tAT device structure
 Cat_urc_tUnsolicited result code data structure
 Cata8520e_params_tInitialization parameters
 Cata8520e_tDevice descriptor
 Catmega_gpio_port_tStructure describing the memory layout of the registers of a GPIO port on ATmega MCUs
 Catomic_bit_u16_tType specifying a bit in an uint16_t
 Catomic_bit_u32_tType specifying a bit in an uint32_t
 Catomic_bit_u64_tType specifying a bit in an uint64_t
 Catomic_bit_u8_tType specifying a bit in an uint8_t
 Catomic_boolType with the same alignment and size as atomic_bool
 Catomic_charType with the same alignment and size as atomic_char
 Catomic_intType with the same alignment and size as atomic_int
 Catomic_int_fast16_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_int_fast16_t
 Catomic_int_fast32_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_int_fast32_t
 Catomic_int_fast64_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_int_fast64_t
 Catomic_int_fast8_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_int_fast8_t
 Catomic_int_least16_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_int_least16_t
 Catomic_int_least32_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_int_least32_t
 Catomic_int_least64_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_int_least64_t
 Catomic_int_least8_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_int_least8_t
 Catomic_intmax_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_intmax_t
 Catomic_intptr_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_intptr_t
 Catomic_llongType with the same alignment and size as atomic_llong
 Catomic_longType with the same alignment and size as atomic_long
 Catomic_scharType with the same alignment and size as atomic_schar
 Catomic_shortType with the same alignment and size as atomic_short
 Catomic_size_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_size_t
 Catomic_ucharType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uchar
 Catomic_uintType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uint
 Catomic_uint_fast16_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uint_fast16_t
 Catomic_uint_fast32_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uint_fast32_t
 Catomic_uint_fast64_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uint_fast64_t
 Catomic_uint_fast8_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uint_fast8_t
 Catomic_uint_least16_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uint_least16_t
 Catomic_uint_least32_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uint_least32_t
 Catomic_uint_least64_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uint_least64_t
 Catomic_uint_least8_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uint_least8_t
 Catomic_uintmax_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uintmax_t
 Catomic_uintptr_tType with the same alignment and size as atomic_uintptr_t
 Catomic_ullongType with the same alignment and size as atomic_ullong
 Catomic_ulongType with the same alignment and size as atomic_ulong
 Catomic_ushortType with the same alignment and size as atomic_ushort
 Catwinc15x0ATWINC15x0 device descriptor type
 Catwinc15x0_params_tATWINC15x0 hardware and global parameters
 Cauto_init_module_tType to represent a module to be auto-initialized
 Caux_aiodio_regs_tAUX_AIODIO registers
 Caux_anaif_regs_tAUX_ANAIF registers
 Caux_evctl_regs_tAUX_EVCTL registers
 Caux_evtcl_regs_tAUX_EVCTL registers
 Caux_smph_regs_tAUX_SMPH registers
 Caux_sysif_regs_tAUX_SYSIF registers
 Caux_tdc_regs_tAUX_TDC registers
 Caux_timer01_regs_tAUX_TIMER01 registers
 Caux_timer2_regs_tAUX_TIMER2 registers
 Caux_timer_regs_tAUX_TIMER registers
 Caux_wuc_regs_tAUX_WUC registers
 Cbe_uint16_tA 16 bit integer in big endian aka network byte order
 Cbe_uint32_tA 32 bit integer in big endian aka network byte order
 Cbe_uint64_tA 64 bit integer in big endian aka network byte order
 Cbenchmark_msg_cmd_tCommand response from the server
 Cbenchmark_msg_ping_tBenchmark message to the server
 Cbh1750fvi_params_tSet of configuration parameters for BH1750FV devices
 Cbh1750fvi_tDevice descriptor for BH1570FVI devices
 Cbh1900nux_params_tSet of configuration parameters for BH1900NUX devices
 Cbh1900nux_tDevice descriptor for BH1900NUX devices
 CbhpBottom Half Processor descriptor
 Cbhp_event_tEvent based Bottom Half Processor descriptor
 Cbhp_msg_tMessage based Bottom Half Processor descriptor
 Cble_npl_calloutBle_npl callout wrapper
 Cble_npl_eventBle_npl event wrapper
 Cble_npl_eventqBle_npl event queue wrapper
 Cble_npl_mutexBle_npl mutex wrapper
 Cble_npl_semBle_npl semaphore wrapper
 Cbloom_tBloom_t bloom filter object
 Cbluetil_ad_data_tStruct used for returning the contents of a selected field
 Cbluetil_ad_tDescriptor for a buffer containing advertising data
 Cbme680_field_dataBME680 sensor field data
 Cbme680_intf_i2c_tBME680 I2C parameters
 Cbme680_intf_spi_tBME680 SPI parameters
 Cbme680_intf_tBME680 Hardware interface parameters union
 Cbme680_params_tBME680 device initialization parameters
 Cbme680_tBME680 device descriptor
 Cbmp180_calibration_tCalibration struct for the BMP180 sensor
 Cbmp180_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cbmp180_tDevice descriptor for the BMP180 sensor
 Cbmx055_params_tData structure holding the device parameters needed for initialization
 Cbmx055_tDevice descriptor for BMX055 sensors
 Cbmx280_calibration_tCalibration struct for the BMX280 sensor
 Cbmx280_params_tParameters for the BMX280 sensor
 Cbmx280_tDevice descriptor for the BMX280 sensor
 Cbq2429x_fault_tDevice faults
 Cbq2429x_params_tBQ2429x device parameters
 Cbq2429x_status_tDevice status
 Cbq2429x_tBQ2429x device descriptor
 CcanLow level device structure for ESP32 CAN (extension of candev_t)
 Ccan_bittimingCAN bit-timing parameters
 Ccan_bittiming_constCAN hardware-dependent bit-timing constant
 Ccan_conf_tESP CAN device configuration
 Ccan_filterController Area Network filter
 Ccan_frameController Area Network frame
 Ccan_opt_tStructure to pass a CAN option
 Ccan_pkt_tA CAN packet
 Ccan_reg_entryRegistry entry
 Ccan_rx_dataReceived data structure
 Ccan_trxGeneric transceiver descriptor
 CcandevStructure to hold driver state
 Ccandev_confLinux candev configuration
 Ccandev_devCandev descriptor to pass to the device thread
 Ccandev_driverStructure to hold driver interface -> function mapping
 Ccandev_linuxThe candev_linux struct
 Ccandev_mcp2515MCP2515 device descriptor
 Ccandev_mcp2515_confMCP2515 configuration descriptor
 Ccandev_paramsParameters to initialize a candev
 Ccandev_stm32_isrInternal interrupt flags
 Ccandev_stm32_rx_fifoThis structure holds anything related to the receive part
 Ccandev_stm32_rx_mailboxThis structure holds anything related to the receive part
 Ccb_muxCb_mux list entry structure
 Ccbw_info_tUSBUS Command Block Wrapper information
 Ccc110x_chanmap_tStructure to hold mapping between virtual and physical channel numbers
 Ccc110x_config_tConfiguration of the transceiver to use
 Ccc110x_framebuf_tBuffer to temporary store incoming/outgoing packet
 Ccc110x_fs_calibration_tStructure holding the calibration data of the frequency synthesizer
 Ccc110x_params_tStructure holding all parameter for driver initialization
 Ccc110x_patable_tStructure that holds the PATABLE, which allows to configure the 8 available output power levels using a magic number for each level
 Ccc110x_tDevice descriptor for CC1100/CC1101 transceivers
 Ccc1xxx_l2hdr_tLayer 2 header used in CC1xxx frames
 Ccc1xxx_tUsers of the CC110x/CC1200 adaption layer have to overlap their device handle with this structure
 Ccc2420_paramsStruct holding all parameters needed for device initialization
 Ccc2420_tDevice descriptor for CC2420 radio devices
 Ccc2538_gpio_tGPIO port component registers
 Ccc2538_gptimer_tGPTIMER component registers
 Ccc2538_ioc_tIOC port component registers
 Ccc2538_rf_tDevice descriptor for CC2538 transceiver
 Ccc2538_rfcore_tRF Core component registers
 Ccc2538_soc_adc_tSOC ADC component registers
 Ccc2538_ssi_tSSI component registers
 Ccc2538_sys_ctrl_tSystem Control component registers
 Ccc2538_uart_tUART component registers
 Ccc26x0_ioc_regs_tObtain IOCFG-register for a DIO
 Cccfg_regs_tCCFG registers
 Cccs811_params_tCCS811 device initialization parameters
 Cccs811_tCCS811 sensor device data structure
 Cchacha20poly1305_ctx_tChacha20poly1305 state struct
 Cchacha_ctxA ChaCha cipher stream context
 Cchunk_ringbuf_tA chunked ringbuffer
 Ccib_tCircular integer buffer structure
 Ccid_tCID register see section 5.2 in SD-Spec v5.00
 Ccipher_context_tContext for cipher-operations
 Ccipher_interface_stBlockCipher-Interface for the Cipher-Algorithms
 Ccipher_tBasic struct for using block ciphers contains the cipher interface and the context
 Ccirc_buf_tCircular buffer holding moving average values
 Cclient_ep_tClient ep structure
 Cclif_attr_tLink format attribute descriptor
 Cclif_tLink format descriptor
 Cclk_cfg_tClock configuration
 Cclk_div_tClock divider configuration
 Cclk_mux_tClock mux configuration
 Ccoap_block1_tBlock1 helper struct
 Ccoap_block_request_tBlockwise request helper struct
 Ccoap_block_slicer_tBlockwise transfer helper struct
 Ccoap_hdr_tRaw CoAP PDU header structure
 Ccoap_link_encoder_ctx_tContext information required to write a resource link
 Ccoap_optpos_tCoAP option array entry
 Ccoap_pkt_tCoAP PDU parsing context structure
 Ccoap_resource_subtree_tType for CoAP resource subtrees
 Ccoap_resource_tType for CoAP resource entry
 Ccolor_hsv_tData-structure for holding HSV colors
 Ccolor_rgb_tData-structure describing a RGB color
 Ccolor_rgba_tRGBA color value
 Ccond_tCondition variable structure
 Ccongure_abe_snd_consts_tConstants for the congestion control
 Ccongure_mock_snd_tA mock CongURE state object
 Ccongure_quic_snd_consts_tConstants for the congestion control
 Ccongure_quic_snd_tState object for CongURE QUIC
 Ccongure_reno_sndState object for CongURE Reno
 Ccongure_reno_snd_consts_tConstants for the congestion control
 Ccongure_snd_ack_tObject to represent an ACK to a message
 Ccongure_snd_driverDriver for CongURE objects
 Ccongure_snd_msg_tObject to represent a collection of sent messages
 Ccongure_snd_tBase state object for CongURE implementations
 Cconn_can_isotp_masterISO-TP master connection
 Cconn_can_isotp_slaveISO-TP salve connection
 Cconn_can_rawRAW CAN connection
 Cconstfs_file_tA file in ConstFS (file name + contents)
 Cconstfs_tConstFS file system superblock
 Ccontext_switch_frameStores the registers and PC for a context switch
 Ccord_lc_filterFilters to use for a lookup
 Ccord_lc_rd_tInformation about RD server and its lookup interface resources
 Ccord_lc_resultResult of lookup
 Ccortexm_base_tStructure of Cortex-M basic vector table
 Ccredman_buffer_tBuffer of the credential
 Ccredman_credential_tCredential information
 Ccsd_tCSD register (see section 5.3 in SD-Spec v5.00)
 Ccsd_v1_tCSD register with csd structure version 1.0 see section 5.3.2 in SD-Spec v5.00
 Ccsd_v2_tCSD register with csd structure version 2.0 see section 5.3.3 in SD-Spec v5.00
 Ccsma_sender_conf_tConfiguration type for backoff
 Ccst816s_params_tCst816s driver struct
 Ccst816s_tCst816s device descriptor
 Ccst816s_touch_data_tCst816s touch event data
 Cctap_attested_cred_data_header_tCTAP attested credential data header struct
 Cctap_attested_cred_data_tCTAP attested credential data struct
 Cctap_auth_data_header_tCTAP authenticator data header struct
 Cctap_auth_data_tCTAP authenticator data struct
 Cctap_client_pin_req_tCTAP client pin request struct
 Cctap_config_tCTAP authenticator config struct
 Cctap_cred_descCTAP credential description struct
 Cctap_cred_desc_altCTAP credential description alternative struct
 Cctap_cred_id_tCTAP credential ID
 Cctap_crypto_key_agreement_key_tKey agreement key
 Cctap_crypto_pub_key_tElliptic curve public key
 Cctap_get_assertion_req_tCTAP get assertion request struct
 Cctap_hid_cid_tCTAP_HID channel identifier struct
 Cctap_hid_cont_pkt_tCTAP_HID continuation packet struct
 Cctap_hid_init_pkt_tCTAP_HID initialization packet struct
 Cctap_hid_init_resp_tCTAP_HID initialization response struct
 Cctap_hid_pkt_tCTAP_HID packet struct
 Cctap_info_tCTAP info struct
 Cctap_make_credential_req_tCTAP make credential request struct
 Cctap_options_tCTAP options struct
 Cctap_public_key_cose_tCTAP cose key struct
 Cctap_req_tCTAP request struct
 Cctap_resident_keyCTAP resident key struct
 Cctap_resp_tCTAP response struct
 Cctap_rp_ent_tCTAP relying party entity struct
 Cctap_state_tCTAP state struct
 Cctap_user_ent_tCTAP user entity struct
 Cdac_conf_tDAC line configuration data
 Cdac_dds_params_tConfiguration struct for a DAC DDS channel
 Cdcf77Device descriptor for DCF77 sensor devices
 Cdcf77_bits_tTimeinformation bitfields for DCF77 devices
 Cdcf77_params_tConfiguration parameters for DCF77 devices
 Cddi0_osc_regs_m16_tDDI_0_OSC registers with masked 16-bit access
 Cddi0_osc_regs_tDDI_0_OSC registers
 Cdebugpins_configStruct holding configuration of OpenWSN debug pins
 CdevfsA device "file" consists of a file name and an opaque pointer to device driver private data
 Cdevice_reg_entry_tRegistry entry to keep track of registered Ethernet network devices
 CdfplayerA DFPlayer Mini device descriptor
 Cdfplayer_file_tData structure representing a file on the DFPlayer
 Cdfplayer_params_tInitialization parameters of a DFPlayer Mini device descriptor
 Cdfu_get_status_pkt_tUSB DFU get_status control request packet
 Cdhcpv6_duid_l2_tDUID based on link-layer address plus time
 Cdhcpv6_duid_tGeneric storage DUID
 Cdhcpv6_msg_tClient/Server message header
 Cdhcpv6_opt_dns_rns_tDHCPv6 DNS recursive name server option
 Cdhcpv6_opt_duid_tDHCPv6 client or server identifier option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_elapsed_time_tDHCPv6 elapsed time option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_ia_na_tDHCPv6 identity association for non-temporary addresses (IA_NA) option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_ia_pd_tDHCPv6 identity association for prefix delegation option (IA_PD) format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_iaaddr_tDHCPv6 IA address option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_iapfx_tDHCPv6 IA prefix option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_iid_tDHCPv6 interface-id option
 Cdhcpv6_opt_imr_tDHCPv6 INF_MAX_RT option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_irt_tDHCPv6 Information Refresh Time option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_mud_url_tMUD URL DHCPv6 option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_oro_tDHCPv6 option request option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_pref_tDHCPv6 preference option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_relay_msg_tDHCPv6 relay message option
 Cdhcpv6_opt_smr_tDHCPv6 SOL_MAX_RT option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_status_tDHCPv6 status code option format
 Cdhcpv6_opt_tGeneral DHCPv6 option format
 Cdhcpv6_relay_msg_tRelay Agents/Server message format
 Cdht_data_tData type for storing DHT sensor readings
 Cdht_params_tConfiguration parameters for DHT devices
 Cdht_tDevice descriptor for DHT sensor devices
 Cdisp_devGeneric type for a display device
 Cdisp_dev_area_tDisplay area coordinates
 Cdisp_dev_driver_tGeneric type for a display driver
 Cdisp_dev_regDisp dev registry entry
 Cdma_conf_tDMA configuration
 Cdns_hdr_tDNS internal structure
 Cdose_params_tStruct containing the required configuration
 Cdose_tDOSE netdev device
 Cdpl_calloutDpl callout wrapper
 Cdpl_eventDpl event wrapper
 Cdpl_eventqDpl event queue wrapper
 Cdpl_mutexDpl mutex wrapper
 Cdpl_semDpl semaphore wrapper
 Cdpl_taskDpl task wrapper
 Cds1307_params_tSet of configuration parameters for DS1307 devices
 Cds1307_tDevice descriptor for DS1307 devices
 Cds18_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cds18_tDevice descriptor for a ds18 device
 Cds3231_params_tSet of configuration parameters for DS3231 devices
 Cds3231_tDevice descriptor for DS3231 devices
 Cds3234_params_tParameters for the DS3234 device driver
 Cds75lx_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cds75lx_tDevice descriptor for the DS75LX sensor
 Cdsp0401_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cdsp0401_tDevice descriptor for the DSP0401
 Cdwc2_usb_otg_fshs_config_tUSB OTG configuration
 Cdynamixel_reader_tDynamixel packet reader struct
 Cdynamixel_tDescriptor struct for a dynamixel device
 Cdynamixel_writer_tDynamixel packet writer struct
 Cecdsa_params_tECDSA parameters
 Cecdsa_public_key_tECDSA public keys
 Cemcute_subData-structure for keeping track of topics we register to
 Cemcute_topic_tMQTT-SN topic
 Cenc28j60_params_tStruct containing the needed peripheral configuration
 Cenc28j60_tENC28J60 device descriptor
 Cencx24j600_frame_hdrStructure resembling format as sent by device
 Cencx24j600_params_tStruct containing the needed peripheral configuration
 Cencx24j600_tEncx24j600 netdev device
 Centropy_source_mbedtls_riot_tStructure containing entropy function and its strength
 Centropy_source_tests_prop_tData structure for Adaptive Proportion Test (NIST SP 800-90B 4.4.2)
 Centropy_source_tests_rep_tData structure for Repetition Count Test (NIST SP 800-90B 4.4.1)
 Cepd_bw_spi_controller_tDisplay controller parameters
 Cepd_bw_spi_params_tSPI display device initialisation parameters
 Cepd_bw_spi_tDevice initialisation parameters
 Cesp_eth_netdev_tDevice descriptor for ESP-ETH devices
 Cesp_now_netdev_tDevice descriptor for ESP-NOW devices
 Cesp_now_params_tStruct holding all parameters needed for device initialization
 Cesp_now_pkt_hdr_tHeader with necessary flags for ESP-NOW packets
 Cesp_wifi_netdev_tDevice descriptor for ESP WiFi devices
 Ceth_conf_tEthernet Peripheral configuration
 Ceth_dma_descLayout of enhanced RX/TX DMA descriptor
 Cethernet_hdr_tEthernet header
 Cethos_params_tStruct containing the needed configuration
 Cethos_tEthos netdev device
 Ceui48_conf_tStructure to hold providers for EUI-48 addresses
 Ceui48_tData type to represent an EUI-48
 Ceui64_conf_tStructure to hold providers for EUI-64 addresses
 Ceui64_tData type to represent an EUI-64
 CeventEvent structure
 Cevent_callback_tCallback Event structure definition
 Cevent_periodic_callback_tPeriodic Callback Event structure
 Cevent_periodic_tTimeout Event structure
 Cevent_source_subscriber_tSubscriber of an event source
 Cevent_source_tEvent source struct
 Cevent_timeout_tTimeout Event structure
 Cevtimer_eventGeneric event
 Cevtimer_mbox_event_tMessage box event definition
 Cevtimer_msg_event_tIPC-message event
 Cevtimer_tEvent timer
 Cfatfs_descFatFs instance descriptor
 Cfatfs_file_descFatFs file instance descriptor
 Cfcfg_regs_tFCFG registers
 Cfd_setThe fd_set structure
 Cfeetech_reader_tFeetech packet reader struct
 Cfeetech_tDescriptor struct for a feetech device
 Cfeetech_writer_tFeetech packet writer struct
 Cfib_destination_set_entry_tEntry used to collect available destinations
 Cfib_entry_tContainer descriptor for a FIB entry
 Cfib_sr_entryContainer descriptor for a FIB source route entry
 Cfib_sr_meta_tContainer for one FIB source route table, combining source routes and an entry pool
 Cfib_sr_tContainer descriptor for a FIB source route
 Cfib_table_tMeta information of a FIB table
 CFIO_PORT_tFast GPIO register definition struct
 Cflash_regs_tFLASH registers
 Cfletcher16_ctx_tFletcher's 16 bit checksum context struct
 Cfletcher32_ctx_tFletcher's 32 bit checksum context struct
 Cfmc_bank_conf_tBank configuration structure
 Cfmc_conf_tFMC peripheral configuration
 Cfmc_gpio_tFMC GPIO configuration type
 Cfmc_nor_sram_bank_conf_tBank configuration structure for NOR/PSRAM/SRAM
 Cfmc_nor_sram_timing_tTiming configuration for NOR/PSRAM/SRAM
 Cfmc_sdram_bank_conf_tBank configuration structure for SDRAM
 Cfmc_sdram_timing_tTiming configuration for SDRAM
 Cfrac_tFrac descriptor for fraction consisting of two 32 bit integers
 Cfreqm_config_tFrequency meter configuration
 Cft5x06_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cft5x06_tDevice descriptor for the driver
 Cft5x06_touch_position_tTouch position structure
 Cfxos8700_measurement_tIndividual 3-axis measurement
 Cfxos8700_params_tParameters needed for device initialization
 Cfxos8700_tDevice descriptor for a FXOS8700 device
 Cgcoap_listenerA modular collection of resources for a server
 Cgcoap_observe_memo_tMemo for Observe registration and notifications
 Cgcoap_request_memoMemo to handle a response for a request
 Cgcoap_resend_tExtends request memo for resending a confirmable request
 Cgcoap_socket_tCoAP socket to handle multiple transport types
 Cgnrc_gomach_dupchk_tGoMacH's data structure for recording TX information for avoiding receiving duplicate packets
 Cgnrc_gomach_dupchk_unit_tGoMacH's data structure for recording sender's past TX information
 Cgnrc_gomach_frame_announce_tGoMacH sub-channel announce frame
 Cgnrc_gomach_frame_beacon_tGoMacH Beacon frame
 Cgnrc_gomach_frame_broadcast_tGoMacH broadcast frame
 Cgnrc_gomach_frame_data_tGoMacH data frame
 Cgnrc_gomach_frame_preamble_ack_tGoMacH preamble_ack frame
 Cgnrc_gomach_frame_preamble_tGoMacH preamble frame
 Cgnrc_gomach_hdr_tGoMacH frame header
 Cgnrc_gomach_l2_addr_tGoMacH internal L2 address structure
 Cgnrc_gomach_l2_id_tGoMacH internal L2 address structure
 Cgnrc_gomach_packet_info_tType to pass information about packet parsing
 Cgnrc_gomach_slosch_unit_tGoMacH's slot-schedule-unit
 Cgnrc_gomach_timeout_tGoMacH's timeout structure
 Cgnrc_gomach_vtdma_manag_tGoMacH's vTDMA (dynamic slots allocation) management unit
 Cgnrc_gomach_vtdma_tSender's vTDMA (dynamic slots allocation) management unit
 Cgnrc_ipv6_ext_frag_limitsData type to describe limits of a single fragment in the reassembly buffer
 Cgnrc_ipv6_ext_frag_rbuf_tA reassembly buffer entry
 Cgnrc_ipv6_ext_frag_send_tFragmentation send buffer type
 Cgnrc_ipv6_ext_frag_stats_tStatistics on reassembly and reassembly
 Cgnrc_ipv6_nib_abr_tAuthoritative border router list entry view on NIB
 Cgnrc_ipv6_nib_ft_tForwarding table entry view on NIB
 Cgnrc_ipv6_nib_nc_tNeighbor cache entry view on NIB
 Cgnrc_ipv6_nib_pl_tPrefix list entry view on NIB
 Cgnrc_lorawan_key_ctx_tGNRC LoRaWAN key context struct
 Cgnrc_lorawan_mcps_tMCPS service access point descriptor
 Cgnrc_lorawan_mlme_tMLME service access point descriptor
 Cgnrc_lorawan_persistent_state_tLoRaWAN state that needs to be preserved across reboots
 Cgnrc_lorawan_tGNRC LoRaWAN mac descriptor
 Cgnrc_lwmac_frame_broadcast_tLWMAC broadcast data frame
 Cgnrc_lwmac_frame_data_tLWMAC unicast data frame
 Cgnrc_lwmac_frame_wa_tLWMAC WA (wake-up answer packet, i.e., preamble-ACK packet) frame
 Cgnrc_lwmac_frame_wr_tLWMAC WR (wake-up request packet, i.e., preamble packet) frame
 Cgnrc_lwmac_hdr_tLWMAC header
 Cgnrc_lwmac_l2_addr_tLWMAC internal L2 address structure
 Cgnrc_lwmac_packet_info_tType to pass information about parsing
 Cgnrc_lwmac_timeout_tLWMAC timeout structure
 Cgnrc_mac_rx_tMAC internal type for storing reception state parameters and state machines
 Cgnrc_mac_timeout_event_tStructure of the GNRC_MAC timeout event
 Cgnrc_mac_timeout_tStructure holding the GNRC_MAC timeouts
 Cgnrc_mac_tx_neighbor_tType for storing states of TX neighbor node
 Cgnrc_mac_tx_tMAC internal type for storing transmission state parameters and state machines
 Cgnrc_netapi_opt_tData structure to be send for setting (GNRC_NETAPI_MSG_TYPE_SET) and getting (GNRC_NETAPI_MSG_TYPE_GET) options
 Cgnrc_netif_6lo_t6Lo component of gnrc_netif_t
 Cgnrc_netif_dedup_tStructure to store information on the last broadcast packet received
 Cgnrc_netif_hdr_tGeneric network interface header
 Cgnrc_netif_ipv6_tIPv6 component for gnrc_netif_t
 Cgnrc_netif_lorawan_tGNRC LoRaWAN interface descriptor
 Cgnrc_netif_mac_tCommon MAC module component of gnrc_netif_mac_t
 Cgnrc_netif_pktq_tA packet queue for Network interface API with a de-queue timer
 Cgnrc_netif_tRepresentation of a network interface
 Cgnrc_netreg_entryEntry to the Network protocol registry
 Cgnrc_netreg_entry_cbd_tCallback + Context descriptor
 Cgnrc_pktqueueData type for packet queue nodes
 Cgnrc_pktsnipType to represent parts (either headers or payload) of a packet, called snips
 Cgnrc_priority_pktqueue_nodeData type for gnrc priority packet queue nodes
 Cgnrc_rpl_dao_ack_tDestination Advertisement Object Acknowledgement
 Cgnrc_rpl_dao_tDestination Advertisement Object
 Cgnrc_rpl_dio_tDIO Base Object
 Cgnrc_rpl_dis_tDODAG Information Solicitation
 Cgnrc_rpl_internal_opt_dis_solicited_tInternal unpacked struct type for DIS solicited option insertion
 Cgnrc_rpl_internal_opt_tInternal unpacked struct type for option insertion
 Cgnrc_rpl_of_tObjective function representation
 Cgnrc_rpl_opt_dis_solicited_tDIS Solicited Information option
 Cgnrc_rpl_opt_dodag_conf_tDODAG Configuration Option
 Cgnrc_rpl_opt_prefix_info_tPrefix Information Option
 Cgnrc_rpl_opt_tRPL-Option Generic Format
 Cgnrc_rpl_opt_target_tTarget Option
 Cgnrc_rpl_opt_transit_tTransit Option
 Cgnrc_rpl_p2p_dro_ack_tP2P Discovery Reply Object Acknowledgement (P2P-DRO-ACK)
 Cgnrc_rpl_p2p_dro_tP2P Discovery Reply Object (P2P-DRO)
 Cgnrc_rpl_p2p_ext_tExtended DODAG information for P2P-RPL
 Cgnrc_rpl_p2p_opt_rdo_tP2P Route Discovery Object (RDO) Option
 Cgnrc_rpl_srh_tThe RPL Source routing header
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_ctx_tEntry in the 6LoWPAN context buffer
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_frag_fb_t6LoWPAN fragmentation buffer entry
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_frag_hint_tA fragment size hint
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_frag_rb_base_tBase class for both reassembly buffer and virtual reassembly buffer
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_frag_rb_intFragment intervals to identify limits of fragments and duplicates
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_frag_rb_tAn entry in the 6LoWPAN reassembly buffer
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_frag_sfr_bitmap_tBitmap type to simplify comparisons
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_frag_sfr_fbExtension for 6LoWPAN fragmentation buffer for selective fragment recovery
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_frag_sfr_stats_tStats on selective fragment recovery
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_frag_stats_tStatistics on fragmentation and reassembly
 Cgnrc_sixlowpan_frag_vrb_tRepresentation of the virtual reassembly buffer entry
 Cgnrc_sock_recv_aux_tStructure to retrieve auxiliary data from gnrc_sock_recv
 Cgnrc_sock_regSock Network protocol registry info
 Cgnrc_tcp_ep_tAddress information for a single TCP connection endpoint
 Cgnrc_tx_sync_tTX synchronization data
 CgomachGoMacH's specific structure for storing internal states
 Cgp2y10xx_params_tGP2Y10xx device parameters
 Cgp2y10xx_tGP2Y10xx device descriptor
 Cgpio_conf_esp32GPIO pin configuration for ESP32/ESP32Cx/ESP32Sx MCUs
 Cgpio_conf_gd32vGPIO pin configuration for GD32V MCUs
 Cgpio_conf_minimalPublic members of gpio_conf_t
 Cgpio_conf_nrf5xGPIO pin configuration for nRF5x MCUs
 Cgpio_conf_sam0GPIO pin configuration for SAM0 MCUs
 Cgpio_conf_stm32GPIO pin configuration for STM32 MCUs
 Cgpio_io_ctrl_tMemory layout of GPIO control register in IO bank 0
 Cgpio_isr_ctx_tDefault interrupt context for GPIO pins
 Cgpio_pad_ctrl_tMemory layout of GPIO control register in pads bank 0
 Cgpio_regs_tGPIO registers
 Cgpt_reg_tGPT registers
 Chal_spi_settingsSince one spi device can control multiple devices, some configuration can be changed on the fly from the hal
 Chard_api_tROM Hard-API
 Chd44780_params_tParameters needed for device initialization
 Chd44780_tDevice descriptor for HD44780 LCD
 Chdc1000_params_tParameters needed for device initialization
 Chdc1000_tDevice descriptor for HDC1000 sensors
 Chih6130_tDevice descriptor for HIH6130/HIH6131 sensors
 Chm330x_data_tSet of measured particulate matter values as sent by the device
 Chm330x_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Chm330x_tDevice descriptor for the driver
 Chmac_context_tContext for HMAC operations based on sha256
 Chmc5883l_data_tMagnetic field values in milli-Gauss (mGs)
 Chmc5883l_params_tHMC5883L device initialization parameters
 Chmc5883l_raw_data_tRaw data set as two complements
 Chmc5883l_tHMC5883L sensor device data structure type
 Chsc_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Chsc_tDevice descriptor for the HSC sensor
 Chts221_params_tParameters needed for device initialization
 Chts221_tDevice descriptor for HTS221 sensors
 Ci2c_conf_tI2C configuration structure
 Ci2c_regs_tI2C registers
 Cicmp_echo_tEcho request and response message format
 Cicmpv6_echo_tEcho request and response message format
 Cicmpv6_error_dst_unr_tDestination unreachable message format
 Cicmpv6_error_param_prob_tParameter problem message format
 Cicmpv6_error_pkt_too_big_tPacket too big message format
 Cicmpv6_error_time_exc_tTime exceeded message format
 Cicmpv6_hdr_tGeneral ICMPv6 message format
 Cieee802154_csma_be_tCSMA-CA exponential backoff parameters
 Cieee802154_devIEEE802.15.4 device descriptor
 Cieee802154_dsme_alloc_tDSME Allocation descriptor
 Cieee802154_phy_conf_tHolder of the PHY configuration
 Cieee802154_radio_cipher_opsStruct of security operations
 Cieee802154_radio_opsRadio ops struct declaration
 Cieee802154_rx_info_tRX information associated to a frame
 Cieee802154_sec_aux_key_identifier_1_tContent of key_source if key mode is IEEE802154_SEC_SCF_KEYMODE_INDEX
 Cieee802154_sec_aux_key_identifier_5_tContent of key_source if key mode is IEEE802154_SEC_SCF_KEYMODE_SHORT_INDEX
 Cieee802154_sec_aux_key_identifier_9_tContent of key_source if key mode is IEEE802154_SEC_SCF_KEYMODE_HW_INDEX
 Cieee802154_sec_aux_tIEEE 802.15.4 auxiliary security header
 Cieee802154_sec_ccm_block_tFormat of 16 byte input block of CCM
 Cieee802154_sec_ccm_nonce_tFormat of 13 byte nonce
 Cieee802154_sec_contextStruct to hold IEEE 802.15.4 security information
 Cieee802154_sec_devIEEE 802.15.4 security device descriptor
 Cieee802154_submacIEEE 802.15.4 SubMAC descriptor
 Cieee802154_submac_cb_tIEEE 802.15.4 SubMAC callbacks
 Cieee802154_tx_info_tTX information of the last transmitted frame
 Cili9341_tDevice descriptor for a ili9341
 Cin6_addrIPv6 address structure type
 Cin_addrIPv4 address structure type
 Cina2xx_params_tConfiguration parameters of the INA2xx driver
 Cina2xx_tDevice descriptor for INA2XX sensors
 Cina3221_params_tINA3221 device parameters
 Cina3221_tINA3221 device handle struct
 Cio1_xplained_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cio1_xplained_tDevice descriptor for the IO1 Xplained extension
 CiolistIolist structure definition
 CiovecStructure for scatter/gather I/O
 Cipv4_addr_tData type to represent an IPv4 address
 Cipv4_hdr_tData type to represent an IPv4 packet header
 Cipv6_addr_tData type to represent an IPv6 address
 Cipv6_ext_frag_tFragment header definition
 Cipv6_ext_rh_tIPv6 routing extension header
 Cipv6_ext_tIPv6 extension headers
 Cipv6_hdr_tData type to represent an IPv6 packet header
 Cipv6_mreqIPv6 multicast request
 Cir_nec_cmd_tNEC command structure
 Cir_nec_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cir_nec_tDevice descriptor for the driver
 Cisl29020_params_tData structure holding the full set of configuration parameters
 Cisl29020_tDevice descriptor for ISL29020 sensors
 Cisl29125_params_tDevice parameters for ISL29125 sensors
 Cisl29125_rgb_tData type for storing lux RGB sensor readings
 Cisl29125_tDevice descriptor for ISL29125 sensors
 CisotpThe isotp struct
 Cisotp_fc_optionsThe isotp_fc_options struct
 Cisotp_optionsThe isotp_options struct
 Cisrpipe_tContext structure for isrpipe
 Citg320x_data_tAngular rate values in tenths of a degree per second
 Citg320x_params_tITG320X device initialization parameters
 Citg320x_raw_data_tRaw data set as two complements
 Citg320x_tITG320X sensor device data structure type
 Cjc42_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cjc42_tDevice descriptor for a jc42 device
 Ckeccak_state_tContext for operations on a sponge with keccak permutation
 Ckw2xrf_paramsStruct holding all params needed for device initialization
 Ckw2xrf_tDevice descriptor for KW2XRF radio devices
 Ckw41zrf_tDevice descriptor for KW41ZRF radio devices
 Cl2filter_tFilter list entries
 Cl2scan_listType of a Link Layer scan list
 Cl3g4200d_data_tResult vector for gyro measurement
 Cl3g4200d_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cl3g4200d_tDevice descriptor for L3G4200D sensors
 Cl3gxxxx_data_tAngular rates in millidegrees per seconds (mdps)
 Cl3gxxxx_i2c_params_tL3Gxxxx I2C interface parameters
 Cl3gxxxx_if_params_tL3Gxxxx Hardware interface parameters union
 Cl3gxxxx_int_data_src_tData interrupt sources (data ready and FIFO status)
 Cl3gxxxx_int_event_cfg_tEvent interrupt generator configuration (axis movement and wake-up)
 Cl3gxxxx_int_event_src_tEvent interrupt sources (axis movement and wake-up)
 Cl3gxxxx_int_src_tComposite type for all possible interrupt sources
 Cl3gxxxx_params_tL3Gxxxx device initialization parameters
 Cl3gxxxx_raw_data_tRaw output data set as two's complements
 Cl3gxxxx_spi_params_tL3Gxxxx SPI interface parameters
 Cl3gxxxx_tL3Gxxxx sensor device data structure type
 Clc709203f_params_tParameter struct for driver initialization
 Clc709203f_tDevice descriptor for the fuel gauge
 Clcd_driverLCD driver interface
 Clcd_fmc_desc_tDescriptor of the FMC bank used for a LCD
 Clcd_ll_par_driver_tLow-level MCU 8080 8-/16-bit parallel interface driver
 Clcd_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Clcd_tDevice descriptor for a lcd
 Cle_uint16_tA 16 bit integer in little endian
 Cle_uint32_tA 32 bit integer in little endian
 Cle_uint64_tA 64 bit integer in little endian
 Cleds_configOpenWSN leds pin configuration
 CLIS2DH12_ACT_THS_tACT_THS definitions
 Clis2dh12_click_tLIS2DH12 click config values
 CLIS2DH12_CTRL_REG0_tCTRL_REG_0 definitions
 CLIS2DH12_CTRL_REG1_tCTRL_REG1 definitions
 CLIS2DH12_CTRL_REG2_tCTRL_REG2 definitions
 CLIS2DH12_CTRL_REG3_tCTRL_REG3 definitions
 CLIS2DH12_CTRL_REG4_tCTRL_REG4 definitions
 CLIS2DH12_CTRL_REG5_tCTRL_REG5 definitions
 CLIS2DH12_CTRL_REG6_tCTRL_REG6 definitions
 Clis2dh12_fifo_data_tLIS2DH12 FIFO data struct
 Clis2dh12_fifo_tLIS2DH12 FIFO config values
 Clis2dh12_highpass_tLIS2DH12 high pass config values
 CLIS2DH12_INT1_CFG_tINT1_CFG definitions
 CLIS2DH12_INT1_THS_tINT1_THS definitions
 CLIS2DH12_INT2_CFG_tINT2_CFG definitions
 CLIS2DH12_INT2_THS_tINT2_THS definitions
 Clis2dh12_int_params_tParameter for interrupt configuration
 Clis2dh12_params_tLIS2DH12 configuration parameters
 Clis2dh12_tLIS2DH12 device descriptor
 Clis3dh_data_tResult vector for accelerometer measurement
 Clis3dh_params_tConfiguration parameters for LIS3DH devices
 Clis3dh_tDevice descriptor for LIS3DH sensors
 Clis3mdl_3d_data_t3d data container of the LIS3MDL sensor
 Clis3mdl_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Clis3mdl_tDevice descriptor for LIS3MDL sensor
 Clist_nodeList node structure
 Clittlefs2_desc_tLittlefs descriptor for vfs integration
 Clittlefs_desc_tLittlefs descriptor for vfs integration
 Clm75Lm75 device descriptor
 Clm75_paramsParams required for initialization
 Clm75_propertiesTemperature reading properties/resolutions struct of the LM75 sensors
 ClogEmpty log structure
 Cloramac_channel_tA LoRaMAC network channel
 Cloramac_settings_tLoRaMAC communication settings
 Clorawan_buffer_tBuffer helper for parsing and constructing LoRaWAN packets
 Clorawan_hdr_tData type to represent a LoRaWAN packet header
 Clorawan_join_accept_tJoin accept packet representation
 Clorawan_join_request_tJoin request packet representation
 Clpd8808_params_tParameters needed for configuration
 Clpsxxx_params_tStruct holding all parameters needed for device initialization
 Clpsxxx_tDevice descriptor for LPSXXX sensors
 Clsm303dlhc_3d_data_t3d data container
 Clsm303dlhc_params_tData structure holding all the information needed for initialization
 Clsm303dlhc_tDevice descriptor for LSM303DLHC sensors
 Clsm6dsxx_3d_data_t3D output data
 Clsm6dsxx_params_tLSM6DSXX driver parameters
 Clsm6dsxx_tLSM6DSXX device descriptor
 Cltc4150_devLTC4150 coulomb counter
 Cltc4150_last_minute_data_tData structure used by ltc4150_last_minute
 Cltc4150_params_tParameters required to set up the LTC4150 coulomb counter
 Cltc4150_recorder_tInterface to allow recording of the drawn current in a user defined resolution
 Cltdc_conf_tLTDC Peripheral configuration
 Cltdc_gpio_tLTDC GPIO configuration
 Clua_riot_builtin_cEntry describing a c lua module built into the application binary
 Clua_riot_builtin_luaEntry describing a pure lua module whose source is built into the application binary
 Clwext4_desc_tLwext4 descriptor for vfs integration
 Clwip_netif_tRepresentation of a network interface
 Clwip_sock_baseSock base type
 Clwm2m_client_connectionConnection to server descriptor
 Clwm2m_client_data_tLwM2M client descriptor
 Clwm2m_obj_ipso_sensor_baseLwM2M IPSO sensor base object
 Clwm2m_obj_ipso_sensor_base_argsArguments for the creation of an object based on the IPSO Sensor Base object instance
 Clwm2m_obj_ipso_sensor_base_instLwM2M IPSO sensor base instance
 Clwm2m_obj_light_control_argsArguments for the creation of a Light Control object instance
 Clwm2m_obj_security_argsArguments for a new Security object instance creation (lwm2m_object_security_instance_create)
 ClwmacLWMAC specific structure for storing internal states
 Cmag3110_data_tData type for the result data
 Cmag3110_params_tConfiguration parameters
 Cmag3110_tDevice descriptor for MAG3110 magnetometer
 Cmatrix_keypad_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cmatrix_keypad_tDevice descriptor for the driver
 Cmatstat_state_tInternal state for computing running statistics
 Cmax31855_data_tData structure for the MAX31855
 Cmax31855_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cmax31855_tDevice descriptor for the driver
 Cmbox_tMailbox struct definition
 Cmcp47xx_params_tMCP47xx device configuration parameters
 Cmcp47xx_saul_dac_params_tMCP47xx configuration structure for mapping DAC channels to SAUL
 Cmcp47xx_tMCP47xx device data structure type
 Cmcps_confirm_tMac Common Part Sublayer (MCPS) confirm representation
 Cmcps_data_tMCPS data
 Cmcps_indication_tMac Common Part Sublayer (MCPS) indication representation
 Cmcps_request_tMac Common Part Sublayer (MCPS) request representation
 Cmd5_ctx_tMD5 calculation context
 Cmega_timer_tTimer register map
 Cmega_uart_tUART register map
 Cmemarray_elementMemory pool element
 Cmemarray_tMemory pool
 Cmfrc522_mifare_key_tA struct used for passing a MIFARE Crypto1 key
 Cmfrc522_params_tMFRC522 device initialization parameters
 Cmfrc522_tMFRC522 device data structure type
 Cmfrc522_uid_tA struct used for passing the UID of a PICC
 Cmini_timer_t8-bit timer register map
 Cmlme_confirm_tMAC (sub) Layer Management Entity (MLME) confirm representation
 Cmlme_indication_tMAC (sub) Layer Management Entity (MLME) indication representation
 Cmlme_link_req_confirm_tMLME Link Check confirmation data
 Cmlme_lorawan_join_tMLME Join Request data
 Cmlme_mib_tMAC Information Base descriptor for MLME Request-Confirm
 Cmlme_request_tMAC (sub) Layer Management Entity (MLME) request representation
 Cmma7660_data_tData type for the result data
 Cmma7660_params_tParameters for an MMA7660 device
 Cmma7660_tDevice descriptor for an MMA7660 device
 Cmma8x5x_data_tData type for the result data
 Cmma8x5x_params_tConfiguration parameters
 Cmma8x5x_tDevice descriptor for MMA8x5x accelerometers
 Cmotor_driver_config_tDescribe DC motor driver with PWM device and motors array
 Cmotor_tDescribe DC motor with PWM channel and GPIOs
 Cmpl3115a2_params_tConfiguration parameters
 Cmpl3115a2_tDevice descriptor for MPL3115A2 sensors
 Cmpu9x50_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cmpu9x50_results_tMPU-9X50 result vector struct
 Cmpu9x50_status_tConfiguration struct for the MPU-9X50 sensor
 Cmpu9x50_tDevice descriptor for the MPU9X50 sensor
 Cmq3_tDevice descriptor for a MQ-3 sensor
 Cmrf24j40_paramsStruct holding all params needed for device initialization
 Cmrf24j40_tDevice descriptor for MRF24J40 radio devices
 Cmsc_cbw_buf_tCommand Block Wrapper packet structure
 Cmsc_cbw_rw10_pkt_tCBW Packet structure for (SCSI_READ10) and (SCSI_WRITE10) requests
 Cmsc_csw_buf_tCommand Status Wrapper packet structure
 Cmsc_inquiry_pkt_tPacket structure to answer (SCSI_INQUIRY) request
 Cmsc_mode_parameter_pkt_tPacket structure to answer (SCSI_MODE_SELECT6) and (SCSI_MODE_SENSE6) requests
 Cmsc_read_capa_pkt_tPacket structure to answer (SCSI_READ_CAPACITY) request
 Cmsc_read_fmt_capa_pkt_tPacket structure to answer (SCSI_READ_FORMAT_CAPACITIES) request
 Cmsc_request_sense_pkt_tPacket structure to answer (SCSI_REQUEST_SENSE) request
 Cmsc_test_unit_pkt_tPacket structure to answer (SCSI_TEST_UNIT_READY) request
 Cmsg_bus_entry_tMessage bus subscriber entry
 Cmsg_bus_tA message bus is just a list of subscribers
 Cmsg_tDescribes a message object which can be sent between threads
 Cmsp430_clock_params_tMSP430Fxzy Basic Clock System Parameters
 Cmsp430_port_p1_p2_tGPIO Port 1/2 (with interrupt functionality)
 Cmsp430_port_p3_p6_tGPIO Port 3..6 (without interrupt functionality)
 Cmsp430_port_p7_p8_tGPIO Port 7/8 (different register layout than Ports 1-6)
 Cmsp430_port_tCommon MSP GPIO Port Registers
 Cmsp430_timer_tTimer peripheral registers
 Cmsp430_usart_conf_tMSP430 x1xx USART configuration registers
 Cmsp430_usart_params_tMSP430 x1xx USART configuration
 Cmsp430_usart_prescaler_tMSP430 x1xx USART prescaler configuration
 Cmsp430_usart_sfr_tUSART Special Function Registers (SFR)
 Cmsp430_usart_spi_params_tMSP430 x1xx SPI configuration, CPU level
 Cmsp430_usart_tUSART (UART, SPI and I2C) Registers
 Cmsp430_usart_uart_params_tMSP430 x1xx UART configuration, CPU level
 Cmsp430_usci_a_tUniversal Serial Control Interface Type A (USCI_A) Registers
 Cmsp430_usci_b_tUniversal Serial Control Interface Type B (USCI_B) Registers
 Cmsp430_usci_conf_tMSP430 F2xx/G2xx USCI configuration registers
 Cmsp430_usci_params_tMSP430 F2xx/G2xx USCI configuration
 Cmsp430_usci_prescaler_tMSP430 F2xx/G2xx USCI prescaler configuration
 Cmsp430_usci_spi_params_tMSP430 F2xx/G2xx SPI configuration, CPU level
 Cmsp430_usci_uart_params_tMSP430 F2xx/G2xx UART configuration, CPU level
 Cmtd_at24cxxx_tDevice descriptor for mtd at24cxxx device
 Cmtd_at25xxx_tDevice descriptor for mtd_at25xxx device
 Cmtd_descMTD driver interface
 Cmtd_dev_tMTD device descriptor
 Cmtd_emulated_tDevice descriptor for a MTD device that is emulated in RAM
 Cmtd_flashpage_tMTD flashpage descriptor
 Cmtd_jedec_id_tInternal representation of JEDEC memory ID codes
 Cmtd_mapper_parent_tMTD mapper backing device context
 Cmtd_mapper_region_tMTD mapped region
 Cmtd_native_devMtd native descriptor
 Cmtd_sam0_sdhc_tDevice descriptor for mtd_sdcard device
 Cmtd_sdcard_tDevice descriptor for mtd_sdcard device
 Cmtd_sdmmc_tDevice descriptor for a mtd_sdmmc device
 Cmtd_spi_nor_opcode_tSPI NOR flash opcode table
 Cmtd_spi_nor_params_tCompile-time parameters for a serial flash device
 Cmtd_spi_nor_tDevice descriptor for serial flash memory devices
 CMutexMutex struct within mqtt paho
 Cmutex_cancel_tA cancellation structure for use with mutex_lock_cancelable and mutex_cancel
 Cmutex_tMutex structure
 Cmy9221_params_tParameters needed for device initialization
 Cmy9221_tDevice descriptor for MY9221 LED controller
 Cnanocoap_cache_entry_tCache container that holds a coap_pkt_t struct
 Cnanocoap_fileserver_event_ctx_tGCoAP fileserver event context
 Cnanocoap_fs_dir_tNanoCoAP remote dir struct
 Cnanocoap_fs_file_tNanoCoAP remote file struct
 Cnanocoap_fs_tNanoCoAP file system configuration
 Cnanocoap_server_response_ctx_tContext from CoAP request for separate response
 Cnanocoap_sock_tNanoCoAP socket struct
 Cnative_desc_tNative filesystem access
 Cncv7356_trxNcv7356 trx descriptor
 Cndp_nbr_adv_tNeighbor advertisement message format
 Cndp_nbr_sol_tNeighbor solicitation message format
 Cndp_opt_mtu_tMTU option format
 Cndp_opt_pi_tPrefix information option format
 Cndp_opt_rdnss_impl_tRecursive DNS server option format with payload
 Cndp_opt_rdnss_tRecursive DNS server option format without payload
 Cndp_opt_rh_tRedirected header option format
 Cndp_opt_ri_tRoute information option format
 Cndp_opt_tGeneral NDP option format
 Cndp_redirect_tRedirect message format
 Cndp_rtr_adv_tRouter advertisement message format
 Cndp_rtr_sol_tRouter solicitation message format
 CnetdevStructure to hold driver state
 Cnetdev_ble_ctx_tRadio context
 Cnetdev_ble_pkt_tBLE packet structure (as defined by the BLE standard)
 Cnetdev_driverStructure to hold driver interface -> function mapping
 Cnetdev_eth_rx_info_tReceived frame status information for Ethernet devices
 Cnetdev_ieee802154_rx_infoReceived packet status information for IEEE 802.15.4 radios
 Cnetdev_ieee802154_submac_tIEEE 802.15.4 SubMAC netdev descriptor
 Cnetdev_ieee802154_tExtended structure to hold IEEE 802.15.4 driver state
 Cnetdev_lora_rx_info_tReceived LoRa packet status information
 Cnetdev_radio_rx_infoReceived frame status information for most radios
 Cnetdev_tapTap interface state
 Cnetdev_tap_params_tTap interface initialization parameters
 Cnetdev_test_tDevice descriptor for netdev dummy test driver devices
 Cnetif_tNetwork interface descriptor
 Cnetopt_connect_requestBasic network connect request
 Cnetopt_connect_resultBasic network connect result
 Cnetopt_disconnect_requestBasic network disconnect request
 Cnetopt_disconnect_resultBasic disconnect result
 Cnetopt_scan_requestBasic network scan request
 Cnetopt_scan_resultBasic network scan result
 Cnetstats_nb_tStats per peer struct
 Cnetstats_nb_table_tL2 Peer Info struct
 Cnetstats_rpl_block_tOne block of RPL statistics
 Cnetstats_rpl_tRPL statistics struct
 Cnetstats_tGlobal statistics struct
 CNetworkNetwork struct within mqtt paho
 Cnfc_iso14443a_tISO14443A tag description
 Cnimble_autoadv_cfg_tParameter set used to configure accepting connections (advertising)
 Cnimble_autoconn_params_tSet of configuration parameters needed to run autoconn
 Cnimble_netif_accept_cfg_tParameter set used to configure accepting connections (advertising)
 Cnimble_netif_conn_tMemory layout for holding the relevant connection information
 Cnimble_netif_connect_cfg_tParameter set used to configure connection initiation
 Cnimble_rpble_cfg_tRpble configuration parameters
 Cnimble_rpble_ctx_tRPL DODAG information
 Cnimble_scanlist_entry_tData structure for holding a single scanlist entry
 Cnimble_scanner_cfg_tScanner configuration parameters
 Cnimble_scanner_info_tAdditional information about received advertising packets
 Cnimble_statconn_cfg_tStatconn connection parameters
 Cnrf24l01p_ngNRF24L01+ device struct
 Cnrf24l01p_ng_cfg_tStruct that holds all active configuration values
 Cnrf24l01p_ng_params_tStruct of NRF24L01+ initialization parameters
 Cnrf24l01p_tStructure that represents the hardware setup of the nrf24l01+ transceiver
 Cnrfmin_hdr_tHeader format used for our custom nrfmin link layer
 Cnrfmin_pkt_tIn-memory structure of a nrfmin radio packet
 Cnrfusb_tNrf usb peripheral device context
 Cntp_packet_tNTP packet
 Cntp_timestamp_tNTP timestamp
 CnvramDevice descriptor for generic NVRAM devices
 Cnvram_spi_paramsBus parameters for SPI NVRAM
 Copenwsn_gen_sockGeneric openwsn sock type
 Copenwsn_radio_tOpenWSN radio variables structure
 Copt3001_params_tParameters needed for device initialization
 Copt3001_tDevice descriptor for OPT3001 sensors
 Cos_devDevice structure
 Cos_eventEvent wrapper
 Cos_eventqEvent queue wrapper
 Cpca9633_params_tPCA9633 device initialization parameters
 Cpca9633_tPCA9633 PWM device data structure type
 Cpca9685_params_tPCA9685 device initialization parameters
 Cpca9685_saul_pwm_params_tPCA9685 configuration structure for mapping PWM channels to SAUL
 Cpca9685_tPCA9685 PWM device data structure type
 Cpcd8544_tPCD8544 device descriptor
 Cpcf857x_irq_event_tIRQ event type
 Cpcf857x_params_tPCF857X device initialization parameters
 Cpcf857x_saul_gpio_params_tPCF857X configuration structure for mapping expander pins to SAUL
 Cpcf857x_tPCF857X device data structure type
 Cph_oemPH OEM device descriptor
 Cph_oem_paramsPH OEM sensor params
 Cphydat_tGeneric data structure for expressing physical values
 Cpio_conf_tPIO configuration type
 Cpio_gpio_init_tType used to configure PIO gpios pins
 Cpio_i2c_busPIO I2C emulated bus type
 Cpio_i2c_conf_tPIO I2C configuration type
 Cpio_isr_sm_vecPIO state machine interrupt callbacks for state machine interrupts
 Cpio_isr_vecPIO interrupt callbacks for FIFO interrupts
 Cpio_program_confPIO program configuration
 Cpio_program_i2cPIO I2C program type
 Cpio_program_tStruct that models a PIO program
 Cpio_sm_clkdivPIO clock configuration
 Cpio_sm_ctrl_regsInternal state machine registers
 Cpir_params_tParameters needed for device initialization
 Cpir_tDevice descriptor for a PIR sensor
 Cpit_conf_tCPU specific timer PIT module configuration
 Cpll_cfg_tPLL configuration parameters
 Cpn532_params_tData structure with the configuration parameters
 Cpn532_tDevice descriptor for the PN532
 Cpoly1305_ctx_tPoly1305 context
 Cppp_hdr_tHeader of a PPP packet
 Cprcm_regs_tPRCM registers
 Cpriority_queue_nodeData type for priority queue nodes
 Cpriority_queue_tData type for priority queues
 Cprogress_bar_tProgress bar descriptor
 Cpsa_aead_operation_sStructure storing an AEAD operation context
 Cpsa_cipher_operation_sStructure storing a cipher operation context
 Cpsa_drv_se_aead_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to implement secure element Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data operations
 Cpsa_drv_se_asymmetric_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to implement asymmetric cryptographic operations using secure elements
 Cpsa_drv_se_cipher_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to implement cipher operations using secure elements
 Cpsa_drv_se_context_tDriver context structure
 Cpsa_drv_se_internal_context_tInternal secure element driver context
 Cpsa_drv_se_key_derivation_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to for secure element key derivation and agreement
 Cpsa_drv_se_key_management_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to for secure element key management
 Cpsa_drv_se_mac_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to perform secure element MAC operations
 Cpsa_drv_se_tA structure containing pointers to all the entry points of a secure element driver
 Cpsa_hash_operation_sStructure containing a hash context and algorithm
 Cpsa_key_attributes_sStructure storing key attributes
 Cpsa_key_derivation_operation_sStructure storing a key derivation context
 Cpsa_key_policy_sStructure storing the key usage policies
 Cpsa_key_slot_tStructure of a virtual key slot in local memory
 Cpsa_mac_operation_sStructure storing a MAC operation context
 Cpsa_se_config_tStructure containing device specific configuration data
 Cpsa_se_drv_data_sStructure containing secure element driver data and contexts
 Cpsk_params_tPSK parameters
 Cpthread_attr_tAn attribute set to supply to pthread_create()
 Cpthread_barrier_tA synchronization barrier
 Cpthread_barrier_waiting_nodeInternal structure to store the list of waiting threads
 Cpthread_barrierattr_tDetails for a pthread_barrier_t
 Cpthread_cond_tCondition variable
 Cpthread_mutexattr_tThis type is unused right now, and only exists for POSIX compatibility
 Cpthread_once_tDatatype to supply to pthread_once()
 Cpthread_rwlock_tA fair reader writer lock
 Cpthread_rwlockattr_tAttributes for a new reader/writer lock
 Cpthread_spinlock_tA spinlock
 Cptp_timestamp_tA PTP timestamp in seconds + nanoseconds since UNIX epoch
 CPTRTAGEvent queue structure
 Cpulse_counter_params_tParameters needed for device initialization
 Cpulse_counter_tDevice descriptor for a pulse counter device
 Cpwm_chan_conf_tPWM channel configuration
 Cpwm_chan_tPWM channel
 Cpwm_conf_chan_tPWM channel configuration data structure
 Cpwm_conf_tPWM device configuration
 Cpwm_config_tPWM configuration structure type
 Cqdec_chan_tQDEC channel
 Cqdec_conf_tQuadrature decoder configuration struct
 Cqdec_isr_ctx_tDefault interrupt context entry holding callback and argument
 Cqmc5883l_params_tQMC5883L initialization parameters
 Cqmc5883l_tQMC5883L device descriptor
 Creg32_m16_tMasked 32-bit register
 Creg8_m4_tMasked 8-bit register
 Crfc_dbell_regs_tRFC_DBELL registers
 Crfc_pwr_regs_tRFC_PWR registers
 Criot_pipeA generic pipe
 Criotboot_flashwrite_tFirmware update state structure
 Criotboot_hdr_tStructure to store image header - All members are little endian
 Crmt_channel_config_tRMT channel configuration
 Crmutex_tMutex structure
 Crn2xx3_params_tConfiguration parameters for RN2483/RN2903 devices
 Crn2xx3_tRN2483/RN2903 device descriptor
 Crp_address_msg_tRouting Protocol (RP) message content to request/reply notification
 Crtt_hw_driver_tRTT hardware abstraction layer driver
 Csam0_aux_cfg_mappingNVM User Row Mapping - Dedicated Entries Config values will be applied at power-on
 Csam0_common_gmac_config_tEthernet parameters struct
 Csam0_common_usb_config_tUSB peripheral parameters
 Csam0_common_usb_tSam0 usb peripheral device context
 Csam0_eth_netdev_tDevice descriptor for SAM0-ETH devices
 Csaul_adc_params_tDirect mapped ADC configuration values
 Csaul_bat_voltage_params_tSAUL battery voltage configuration values
 Csaul_driver_tDefinition of the RIOT actuator/sensor interface
 Csaul_gpio_params_tDirect mapped GPIO configuration values
 Csaul_pwm_channel_tSingle PWM channel exposed via SAUL
 Csaul_pwm_dimmer_params_tPWM channels mapped to dimmer-style registration entries
 Csaul_pwm_rgb_params_tPWM channels mapped to RGB LED registration entries
 Csaul_regSAUL registry entry
 Csaul_reg_info_tAdditional data to collect for each entry
 Cscd30_measurement_tMeasurement from SCD30 sensor
 Cscd30_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cscd30_tDevice descriptor for the SCD30 sensor
 Csched_paramThis structure is unused right now, and only exists for POSIX compatibility
 Cschedstat_tScheduler statistics
 Cscheduler_vars_tOpenWSN scheduler variables structure
 Cscreen_dev_tScreen device descriptor
 Csd_status_tSD status register (see section 4.10.2 in SD-Spec v5.00)
 Csdcard_spi_params_tSdcard_spi device params
 Csdcard_spi_tDevice descriptor for sdcard_spi
 Csdhc_conf_tSDHC peripheral configuration
 Csdhc_state_tSD Card driver context
 Csdmmc_card_status_tSD/MMC Card status as structure
 Csdmmc_cid_mmc_tCID register structure (MMC)
 Csdmmc_cid_sd_tCID register structure (SD Memory Cards)
 Csdmmc_cid_tCID register structure (SD Memory and MMC Cards)
 Csdmmc_conf_tSDMMC slot configuration
 Csdmmc_csd_mmc_tCSD register structure for MMC
 Csdmmc_csd_tCSD register (SD Memory Card and MMC)
 Csdmmc_csd_v1_tCSD register structure Version 1.0
 Csdmmc_csd_v2_tCSD register structure Version 2.0 and Version 3.0
 Csdmmc_devSDIO/SD/MMC device descriptor
 Csdmmc_driver_tLow-level SDIO/SD/MMC peripheral driver
 Csdmmc_ext_csd_tExtended CSD (EXT_CSD) register structure (MMC only)
 Csdmmc_scr_tSCR register structure (SD Memory Card only)
 Csdmmc_sd_status_tSD Status (SD Memory Card only)
 Csdmmc_xfer_desc_tTransfer descriptor
 Csdp3x_measurement_tMeasurement from SDP3x sensor
 Csdp3x_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Csdp3x_tDevice descriptor for the SDP3x sensor
 Csds011_data_tData type for storing SDS011 sensor readings
 Csds011_params_tConfiguration parameters for SDS011 Laser Dust Sensor
 Csds011_tDevice descriptor definition for SDS011 Laser Dust Sensor
 Cseesaw_soil_params_tParameters needed for device initialization
 Cseesaw_soil_tDevice descriptor for Seesaw Soil sensors
 Csema_inv_tAn Inverse Semaphore
 Csema_tA Semaphore
 Csemtech_loramac_channel_params_tLoRaMAC channel radio parameters
 Csemtech_loramac_link_check_info_tLoRaMAC link check information
 Csemtech_loramac_rx_data_tStructure containing LoRaWAN RX data
 Csemtech_loramac_tSemtech LoRaMAC descriptor
 Csenml_attr_tSenML common record attributes
 Csenml_bool_value_tSenML boolean value
 Csenml_data_value_tSenML data value
 Csenml_decfrac_tDecimal fraction containing a value in the form of m * 10^e
 Csenml_numeric_tSenML numeric value
 Csenml_string_value_tSenML string value
 Csenml_value_tSenML string value
 Cserial_msg_tStruct containing a serial message
 CSerialPortArduino Serial Interface
 CservoServo device state
 Cservo_params_tConfiguration parameters for a servo
 Cservo_pwm_params_tPWM configuration parameters for a servos
 Cservo_timer_ctx_tMemory needed for book keeping when using periph_timer_periodic based servo driver
 Cservo_timer_params_tTimer configuration parameters for a servos
 Csgp30_data_tSet of measured values
 Csgp30_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Csgp30_raw_data_tSet of measured raw values
 Csgp30_tDevice descriptor for the driver
 Csha1_contextSHA-1 algorithm context
 Csha256_chain_idx_elm_tSha256-chain indexed element
 Csha2xx_context_tStructure to hold the SHA-2XX context
 Csha512_common_context_tStructure to hold the SHA-512 context
 Cshell_command_tA single command in the list of the supported commands
 Cshell_command_xfa_tA single command in the list of the supported commands
 Csht1x_dev_tSHT10/11/15 temperature humidity sensor
 Csht1x_params_tParameters required to set up the SHT10/11/15 device driver
 Csht2x_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Csht2x_tDevice descriptor for the SHT2X sensor
 Csht3x_dev_tSHT3x sensor device data structure
 Csht3x_params_tSHT3x device initialization parameters
 Cshtcx_params_tSettings struct with all relevant parameters
 Cshtcx_tDevice descriptor for the SHTCX
 Csi1133_channel_tChannel configuration the Si1133 sensor
 Csi1133_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Csi1133_tDevice descriptor for the Si1133 sensor
 Csi114x_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Csi114x_tDevice descriptor for the Si114x sensor
 Csi70xx_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Csi70xx_tSi70xx device descriptor
 Csixlowpan_frag_n_tSubsequent 6LoWPAN fragmentation header
 Csixlowpan_frag_tGeneral and 1st 6LoWPAN fragmentation header
 Csixlowpan_nd_da_tDuplicate address request and confirmation message format
 Csixlowpan_nd_opt_6ctx_t6LoWPAN context option format
 Csixlowpan_nd_opt_abr_tAuthoritative border router option format
 Csixlowpan_nd_opt_ar_tAddress registration option format
 Csixlowpan_sfr_ack_tRecoverable fragment (RFRAG) acknowledgment header
 Csixlowpan_sfr_rfrag_tRecoverable fragment header
 Csixlowpan_sfr_tGeneric type for selective fragment recovery headers
 Cskald_ctx_tAdvertising context holding the advertising data and state
 Cskald_eddystone_uid_tUnique and opaque 16-byte beacon id format used by Eddystone
 Cskald_uuid_tUUID representation format used by Skald
 Cslipdev_params_tConfiguration parameters for a slipdev
 Cslipdev_tDevice descriptor for slipdev
 Csm_pwm_01c_data_tLPO and concentration (ug/m3) values for small and large particles
 Csm_pwm_01c_params_tParameters for the SM_PWM_01c sensor
 Csm_pwm_01c_tDevice descriptor for the SM_PWM_01c sensor
 Csm_pwm_01c_values_tLPO and concentration (ug/m3) values for small and large particles
 Csock_async_ctx_tAsynchronous context for Asynchronous sock with event API
 Csock_dtlsInformation about DTLS sock
 Csock_dtls_sessionInformation about remote client connected to the server
 Csock_event_cb_tGeneralized callback type
 Csock_event_tEvent definition for context scope
 Csock_ipRaw IP sock type
 Csock_ip_aux_rx_tAuxiliary data provided when receiving using an IP sock object
 Csock_ip_aux_tx_tAuxiliary data provided when sending using an IP sock object
 Csock_ip_ep_tAbstract IP end point and end point for a raw IP sock object
 Csock_tcpTCP sock type
 Csock_tcp_queueTCP queue type
 Csock_udpUDP sock type
 Csock_udp_aux_rx_tAuxiliary data provided when receiving using an UDP sock object
 Csock_udp_aux_tx_tAuxiliary data provided when sending using an UDP sock object
 CsockaddrUsed to define the socket address
 Csockaddr_inIPv4 socket address type
 Csockaddr_in6IPv6 socket address type
 Csockaddr_llLink-Layer socket descriptor
 Csockaddr_storageImplementation based socket address table
 Csocket_zep_params_tZEP device initialization parameters
 Csocket_zep_tZEP device state
 Csoft_spi_conf_tSoftware SPI port descriptor
 Csoft_uart_conf_tSoftware UART port descriptor
 Csomeip_hdr_tSOME/IP header
 Csomeip_message_id_tStructure of the Message ID
 Csomeip_request_id_tStructure of the Request ID
 Cspi_clk_conf_tDatafields for static SPI clock configuration values
 Cspi_conf_tSPI device configuration
 Cspi_dev_tSPI device configuration
 Cspi_gpio_mode_tSPI gpio mode
 CSPIClassArduino SPI interface
 Cspidev_linux_confStatic runtime configuration for SPI port + CS line
 Cspidev_linux_stateDynamic runtime state for SPI port + CS line
 Cspiffs_descThis contains everything needed to run an instance of SPIFFS
 CSPISettingsArduino SPI configuration interface
 Csps30_data_tSet of measured particulate matter values
 Csps30_params_tSPS30 device parameters
 Csps30_tSPS30 device instance
 Csrf02_tDevice descriptor for SRF02 sensors
 Csrf04_params_tGPIO pins for srf04 device
 Csrf04_tDevice descriptor for srf04 sensor
 Csrf08_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Csrf08_tDevice descriptor for SRF08 sensors
 Cst77xx_tDevice descriptor for a ST77xx display
 CstatvfsFile system information
 Cstdio_provider_tStdio provider struct
 Cstm32_usbdev_fs_config_tStm32 USB device FS configuration
 Cstm32_usbdev_fs_tStm32 USB Device FS only peripheral device context
 Cstmpe811_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cstmpe811_tDevice descriptor for the STMPE811 sensor
 Cstmpe811_touch_position_tTouch position structure
 Cstring_writer_tString Writer structure
 Csuit_component_tSUIT component struct as decoded from the manifest
 Csuit_condition_params_tSUIT condition parameters
 Csuit_manifest_tSUIT manifest struct
 Csuit_param_ref_tSUIT parameter reference
 Csuit_storageGeneric storage backend state
 Csuit_storage_driverSUIT storage backend driver struct
 Csuit_storage_flashwrite_tRiotboot flashwrite SUIT storage context
 Csuit_storage_ram_region_tSingle in-memory storage region
 Csuit_storage_vfs_tRiotboot vfs SUIT storage context
 Csuit_transport_mock_payload_tMock payload
 Csx126xDevice descriptor for the driver
 Csx126x_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Csx127x_internal_tSX127X internal data
 Csx127x_lora_settings_tLoRa configuration structure
 Csx127x_params_tSX127X hardware and global parameters
 Csx127x_radio_settings_tRadio settings
 Csx127x_tSX127X device descriptor
 Csx1280Device descriptor for the driver
 Csx1280_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Csys_mbox_tPlatform specific mailbox type
 Ctc32_conf_tTimer device configuration
 Ctc_tcc_cfg_tCommon configuration for timer devices
 Ctcp_hdr_opt_tTCP option field helper structure
 Ctcp_hdr_tTCP header definition
 Ctcs37727_data_tStruct for storing TCS37727 sensor data
 Ctcs37727_params_tTCS37727 configuration parameters
 Ctcs37727_tDevice descriptor for TCS37727 sensors
 CThreadThread struct within mqtt paho
 CTimerStruct to get time references within mqtt paho
 Ctimer_channel_conf_tConfiguration type of a timer channel
 Ctimer_conf_tTimer device configuration
 Ctimer_dev_tDefine timer configuration values
 Ctimer_isr_ctx_tDefault interrupt context entry holding callback and argument
 CTimerEvent_sTimer object description
 CtimevalDefinition of struct timeval for the atmega
 Ctimex_tA timex timestamp
 Ctinyusb_dfu_deviceTinyUSB DFU device interface context
 Ctinyusb_netdev_tDevice descriptor for tinyUSB CDC ECM network devices
 Ctja1042_trxTja1042 CAN trx descriptor
 Ctlsf_size_container_tStruct to hold the total sizes of free and used blocks Used for tlsf_size_walker()
 Ctmp00x_params_tParameters needed for device initialization
 Ctmp00x_tDevice descriptor for TMP00X sensors
 Ctouch_devGeneric type for a touch device
 Ctouch_dev_driver_tGeneric type for a touch driver
 Ctouch_dev_gesture_ctx_tContext information for a touch device needed for gesture recognition
 Ctouch_dev_regTouch dev registry entry
 Ctouch_tTouch coordinates
 CtpconThe tpcon struct
 Ctps6274x_params_tTPS6274x Configuration struct
 Ctps6274x_tDevice descriptor for the TPS6274x
 Ctrickle_callback_tTrickle callback function with arguments
 Ctrickle_tAll state variables of a trickle timer
 Ctrx_driverGeneric transceiver driver
 Ctsl2561_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Ctsl2561_tDevice descriptor for the TSL2561 sensor
 Ctsl4531x_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Ctsl4531x_tDevice descriptor
 CtsrbThread-safe ringbuffer struct
 CturoTuro type
 CTwoWireClass definition for the Arduino Wire library implementation
 Cu8x8_riotos_tHolds RIOT-OS specific peripheral data
 Cuart_conf_tUART device configuration
 Cuart_half_duplex_dir_tHalf-duplex UART direction management method type
 Cuart_half_duplex_params_tConfiguration for half-duplex UART
 Cuart_half_duplex_tDescriptor struct for half-duplex UART
 Cuart_isr_ctx_tInterrupt context for a UART device
 Cuart_regs_tUART component registers
 Cucg_riotos_tHolds RIOT-OS specific peripheral data
 Cudp_hdr_tUDP header
 Cuhcp_hdr_tUHCP packet header struct
 Cuhcp_push_tStruct for push packets
 Cuhcp_req_tStruct for request packets
 Cuint16_una_tUnaligned access helper struct (uint16_t version)
 Cuint32_una_tUnaligned access helper struct (uint32_t version)
 Cuint64_una_tUnaligned access helper struct (uint64_t version)
 Cuniversal_address_container_tThe container descriptor used to identify a universal address entry
 Curi_parser_query_param_tContainer to represent a query parameter
 Curi_parser_result_tContainer that holds all results
 Cusb_desc_acm_tUSB CDC ACM descriptor
 Cusb_desc_call_mngt_tUSB CDC call management functional descriptor
 Cusb_desc_cdc_tGeneric USB CDC descriptor
 Cusb_desc_cdcecm_speed_tUSB CDC ECM connection speed change notification
 Cusb_desc_ecm_tUSB CDC ECM descriptor
 Cusb_desc_hid_tUSB HID descriptor struct
 Cusb_desc_if_dfu_tUSB DFU interface descriptor
 Cusb_desc_union_tUSB union descriptor
 Cusb_descriptor_configuration_tUSB configuration descriptor (USB 2.0 spec table 9-10)
 Cusb_descriptor_device_tUSB device descriptor (USB 2.0 spec table 9-8)
 Cusb_descriptor_endpoint_tUSB endpoint descriptor (USB 2.0 spec table 9-13)
 Cusb_descriptor_interface_association_tUSB interface association descriptor (Interface Association Descriptors table 9-Z)
 Cusb_descriptor_interface_tUSB interface descriptor (USB 2.0 spec table 9-12)
 Cusb_descriptor_string_tUSB string descriptor (USB 2.0 spec table 9-16)
 Cusb_req_cdcacm_coding_tUSB CDC ACM line coding setup content
 Cusb_setup_tUSB setup packet (USB 2.0 spec table 9-2)
 CusbdevUsbdev device descriptor
 Cusbdev_driverUsbdev driver functions
 Cusbdev_epUsbdev endpoint descriptor
 Cusbdev_mockUsbdev mock device
 Cusbdev_mock_ep_tUsbdev mock device endpoint
 CusbusUSBUS context struct
 Cusbus_cdcacm_deviceUSBUS CDC ACM context struct
 Cusbus_cdcecm_deviceUSBUS CDC ECM device interface context
 Cusbus_control_handler_tEndpoint zero event handler
 Cusbus_control_slicer_tHelper struct to divide control messages in multiple parts
 Cusbus_descr_genUSBUS descriptor generator
 Cusbus_descr_gen_funcs_tUSBUS descriptor generator function pointers
 Cusbus_dfu_deviceUSBUS DFU device interface context
 Cusbus_endpointUSBUS endpoint context
 Cusbus_handlerUSBUS handler struct
 Cusbus_handler_driverUSBUS event handler function pointers
 Cusbus_hid_deviceUSBUS HID context struct
 Cusbus_interfaceUSBUS interface
 Cusbus_interface_altUSBUS interface alternative setting
 Cusbus_msc_deviceUSBUS MSC device interface context
 Cusbus_msc_lunUSBUS MSC Logical Unit descriptor
 Cusbus_stringUSBUS string type
 Cusbus_urbUSBUS USB request/response block
 Cut_process_var_tName-value-pair of a variable for URI template expansion
 Cuuid_tUUID layout
 Cuwb_dw1000_tDevice descriptor for the driver
 Cvcdiff_mtd_tContext for the underlying MTD device
 Cvcdiff_vfs_tContext for the underlying file
 Cvcnl40x0_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cvcnl40x0_tDevice descriptor for the VCNL40X0 sensor
 Cveml6070_params_tDevice initialization parameters
 Cveml6070_tDevice descriptor for the VEML6070 sensor
 Cvfs_DIRInternal representation of a file system directory entry
 Cvfs_dir_opsOperations on open directories
 Cvfs_dirent_tUser facing directory entry
 Cvfs_file_opsOperations on open files
 Cvfs_file_system_opsOperations on mounted file systems
 Cvfs_file_system_tA file system driver
 Cvfs_file_tInformation about an open file
 Cvfs_mount_structA mounted file system
 Cvims_regs_tVIMS registers
 Cvl6180x_int_config_tInterrupt config
 Cvl6180x_int_thresh_tInterrupt threshold configuration
 Cvl6180x_params_tVL6180X device configuration
 Cvl6180x_tVL6180X sensor device data structure type
 Cw5100_params_tW5100 device descriptor
 Cw5100_tDevice descriptor for W5100 devices
 Cw5500Device descriptor for W5500 devices
 Cw5500_params_tW5500 device descriptor
 Cwdt_regs_tWDT registers
 Cwifi_connect_requestA Wi-Fi connect request
 Cwifi_connect_resultA Wi-Fi connect result
 Cwifi_disconnect_requestA Wi-Fi disconnect request
 Cwifi_disconnect_resultA Wi-Fi disconnect result
 Cwifi_scan_list_nodeNode type in a wifi scan list wifi_scan_list_t
 Cwifi_scan_requestA Wi-Fi scan request
 Cwifi_scan_resultA Wi-Fi scan result
 Cwifi_security_wep_pskA WEP pre-shared-key
 Cwifi_security_wpa_enterpriseWPA2 Enterprise credentials
 Cwifi_security_wpa_pskA WPA pre-shared-key
 CWORD_ALIGNEDPower Management mode blocker typedef
 Cws281x_params_tStruct to hold initialization parameters for a WS281x RGB LED
 Cws281x_tDevice descriptor of a WS281x RGB LED chain
 Cxbee_l2hdr_tData structure for extraction L2 information of received packets
 Cxbee_params_tConfiguration parameters for XBee devices
 Cxbee_tXBee device descriptor
 CxtimerXtimer timer structure
 Cxtimer_ticks32_tXtimer timestamp (32 bit)
 Cxtimer_ticks64_tXtimer timestamp (64 bit)
 Czep_hdr_tZEP header definition
 Czep_v1_hdr_tZEPv1 header definition
 Czep_v2_ack_hdr_tZEPv2 header definition (type == Ack)
 Czep_v2_data_hdr_tZEPv2 header definition (type == Data)
 Cztimer64_baseMinimum information for each timer
 Cztimer64_clockZtimer64 clock structure
 Cztimer64_tZtimer64 structure
 Cztimer_baseMinimum information for each timer
 Cztimer_clockZtimer device structure
 Cztimer_convert_frac_tZtimer_convert_frac frequency conversion layer class
 Cztimer_convert_muldiv64_tZtimer_convert_muldiv64 structure
 Cztimer_convert_shift_tZtimer_convert_shift frequency conversion layer class
 Cztimer_convert_tBase type for ztimer convert modules
 Cztimer_mock_tZtimer mock clock class
 Cztimer_ops_tZtimer backend method structure
 Cztimer_periodic_tZtimer periodic structure
 Cztimer_periph_timer_tZtimer periph context structure
 Cztimer_stopwatch_tZtimer stop watch struct
 Cztimer_tZtimer structure