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STM32 Nucleo-L552ZE-Q

Support for the STM32 Nucleo-L552ZE-Q More...

Detailed Description

Support for the STM32 Nucleo-L552ZE-Q


The Nucleo-L552ZE-Q is a board from ST's Nucleo family supporting ARM Cortex-M33 STM32L552ZE ultra-low-pawer microcontroller with TrustZone, 256KiB of RAM and 512KiB of Flash.


Nucleo144 L552ZE-Q


Family ARM Cortex-M33
Vendor ST Microelectronics
RAM 256KiB
Flash 512KiB
Frequency up tp 110MHz
FPU yes
TrustZone yes
Timers 16
I2Cs 4
SPIs 3
Datasheet Datasheet
Reference Manual Reference Manual
Programming Manual Programming Manual
Board Manual Board Manual

Flashing the device

Flashing the Board Using OpenOCD

The ST Nucleo-L552ZE-Q board includes an on-board ST-LINK programmer and can be flashed using OpenOCD.

The upstream version of OpenOCD doesn't contain yet support for this board, so the source code version from http://openocd.zylin.com/#/c/5510 must be built to be able to flash this board (adapt the configure command with your preferred installation directory):
$ git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/openocd/code openocd
$ cd openocd
$ git fetch http://openocd.zylin.com/openocd refs/changes/10/5510/5 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
$ ./bootstrap
$ ./configure --prefix=<installation directory>
$ make -j
$ sudo make install

Once the patched OpenOCD is built and installed, you can flash the board simply by typing

make BOARD=nucleo-l552ze-q flash

and debug via GDB by simply typing

make BOARD=nucleo-l552ze-q debug

Flashing the Board Using ST-LINK Removable Media

On-board ST-LINK programmer provides via composite USB device removable media. Copying the HEX file causes reprogramming of the board. This task could be performed manually; however, the cpy2remed (copy to removable media) PROGRAMMER script does this automatically. To program board in this manner, use the command:

make BOARD=nucleo-l552ze-q PROGRAMMER=cpy2remed flash
This PROGRAMMER was tested using ST-LINK firmware 2.37.26. Firmware updates could be found on this STM webpage.

Accessing RIOT shell

Default RIOT shell access utilize VCP (Virtual COM Port) via USB interface, provided by integrated ST-LINK programmer. ST-LINK is connected to the microcontroller LPUART1.

The default baud rate is 115 200.

If a physical connection to LPUART1 is needed, connect UART interface to pins PG7 (LPUART1 TX) and PG8 (LPUART1 RX).

Accordingly to the MCU Datasheet PG7 and PG8 pins are 5V tolerant (see table 21, page 108).

Supported Toolchains

For using the ST Nucleo-L552ZE-Q board we recommend the usage of the GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors toolchain.


file  periph_conf.h
 Peripheral MCU configuration for the nucleo-l552ze-q board.