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dsme::DSMEPlatform Class Reference

DSMEPlatform interface implementation for GNRC. More...

Detailed Description

DSMEPlatform interface implementation for GNRC.

Definition at line 62 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

#include <DSMEPlatform.h>

Public Types

enum  { STATE_READY = 0 , STATE_CCA_WAIT = 1 , STATE_SEND = 2 }
 state of the Platform layer More...

Public Member Functions

 DSMEPlatform ()
 DSMEPlatform constructor.
 ~DSMEPlatform ()
 DSMEPlatform destructor.
void initialize (bool pan_coord)
 initialize MAC with a role (PAN coordinator, child)
void sendFrame (uint16_t addr, iolist_t *pkt)
 to be called by the upper layer in order to send a frame
void start ()
 start DSME
DSMELayer & getDSME ()
 get the DSME layer
bool isAssociated ()
 check whether the node associated
void allocateGTS (uint8_t superframeID, uint8_t slotID, uint8_t channelID, Direction direction, uint16_t address)
 allocate a GTS slot
void getShortAddress (network_uint16_t *addr)
 get short address
void setGTSTransmission (bool gts)
 set GTS or CAP transmission
void setAckReq (bool ackReq)
 set ACK_REQ bit
void offloadCCAEvent ()
 request to offload the CCA Done event
void offloadTXDoneEvent ()
 request to offload the TX Done event
void indicateRxStart ()
 indicate the MAC layer that the reception started
void offloadRXDoneEvent ()
 request to offload RX Done event
void offloadACKTimer ()
 request to offload ACK Timer event
void offloadTimerEvent ()
 request to offload Timer event
void setPlatformState (uint8_t state)
 set the platform state
void processCCAEvent ()
 process the CCA Done event
void processTXDoneEvent ()
 process the TX Done event
void processRxDone ()
 process the RX Done event from radio
void processRxOffload ()
 process the offload event of received frame
void setGNRCNetif (gnrc_netif_t *netif)
 set the GNRC netif
uint8_t getChannelNumber () override
 get channel number
bool setChannelNumber (uint8_t k) override
 set channel number
bool sendNow () override
 Directly send packet without delay and without CSMA but keep the message (the caller has to ensure that the message is eventually released) This might lead to an additional memory copy in the platform.
bool prepareSendingCopy (IDSMEMessage *msg, Delegate< void(bool)> txEndCallback) override
 prepare the next transmission
bool prepareSendingCopy (DSMEMessage *msg, Delegate< void(bool)> txEndCallback)
 prepare the next transmission
void abortPreparedTransmission () override
 abort an already prepared transmission
bool sendDelayedAck (IDSMEMessage *ackMsg, IDSMEMessage *receivedMsg, Delegate< void(bool)> txEndCallback) override
 send an ACK message, delay until aTurnaRoundTime after reception_time has expired
bool sendDelayedAck (DSMEMessage *ackMsg, DSMEMessage *receivedMsg, Delegate< void(bool)> txEndCallback)
 send an ACK message, delay until aTurnaRoundTime after reception_time has expired
void setReceiveDelegate (receive_delegate_t receiveDelegate) override
 set the receive callback
bool isReceptionFromAckLayerPossible () override
 check whether the ACK layer is busy
void handleReceivedMessageFromAckLayer (IDSMEMessage *message) override
 handle reception of frames from ACK Layer
void handleReceivedMessageFromAckLayer (DSMEMessage *message)
 handle reception of frames from ACK Layer
DSMEMessagegetEmptyMessage () override
 get an empty message
void releaseMessage (IDSMEMessage *msg) override
 release a message
void releaseMessage (DSMEMessage *msg)
 release a message
bool startCCA () override
 start CCA procedure
void startTimer (uint32_t symbolCounterValue) override
 start timer
uint32_t getSymbolCounter () override
 get elapsed number of symbols since initialization
uint16_t getRandom () override
 get a uint16_t random number
void updateVisual () override
 update visual components of openDSME
void scheduleStartOfCFP () override
 callback to offload the start of CFP
uint8_t getMinCoordinatorLQI () override
 Get the minimum LQI.
void turnTransceiverOn () override
 turn on transceiver
void turnTransceiverOff () override
 turn off transceiver
IEEE802154MacAddress & getAddress ()
 get extended address
void signalAckedTransmissionResult (bool success, uint8_t transmissionAttempts, IEEE802154MacAddress receiver) override
 signal finish of ACK'd transmission
void signalGTSChange (bool deallocation, IEEE802154MacAddress counterpart, uint16_t superframeID, uint8_t gtSlotID, uint8_t channel, Direction direction) override
 signal a change in GTS status
void signalQueueLength (uint32_t length) override
 signal a change in queue length
void signalPacketsPerCAP (uint32_t packets) override
 signal the number of packets transmitted during the last CAP
void signalFailedPacketsPerCAP (uint32_t packets) override
 signal the number of failed packets transmitted during the last CAP
bool isRxEnabledOnCap () override
 callback to check where RX is on during CAP

Static Public Attributes

static DSMEPlatforminstance
 pointer to the DSME instance

Protected Member Functions

 DSMEPlatform (const DSMEPlatform &)
 Copy constructor is not allowed.
DSMEPlatformoperator= (const DSMEPlatform &)
 Assignment operator is not allowed.
void signalNewMsg (DSMEMessage *msg)
 signal creation of new message
virtual void signalReleasedMsg (DSMEMessage *msg)
 signal release of message
void handleDataMessageFromMCPSWrapper (IDSMEMessage *msg)
 dSMEAdaptionLayer wrapper for MCPS Indication callbacks
void handleDataMessageFromMCPS (DSMEMessage *msg)
 dSMEAdaptionLayer wrapper for MCPS Indication callbacks
void handleConfirmFromMCPSWrapper (IDSMEMessage *msg, DataStatus::Data_Status dataStatus)
 dSMEAdaptionLayer wrapper for MCPS Confirm callbacks
void handleConfirmFromMCPS (DSMEMessage *msg, DataStatus::Data_Status dataStatus)
 dSMEAdaptionLayer wrapper for MCPS Confirm callbacks
void translateMacAddress (uint16_t &from, IEEE802154MacAddress &to)
 translate MAC Address representation
event_queue_tgetEventQueue ()
 get the event queue of the MAC

Protected Attributes

Delegate< void(bool)> txEndCallback
 delegate callback for TX end
PHY_PIB phy_pib
 holds the PHY Information Base
MAC_PIB mac_pib
 holds the MAC Information Base
DSMELayer dsme
 descriptor of the DSME MAC
mcps_sap::MCPS_SAP mcps_sap
 descriptor of the MCPS Service Access Point
mlme_sap::MLME_SAP mlme_sap
 descriptor of the MLME Service Access Point
DSMEAdaptionLayer dsmeAdaptionLayer
 descriptor of the DSME Adaption Layer
bool initialized
 whether the MAC is initialized
bool scanOrSyncInProgress {false}
 whether there is a scan or sync in progress
bool associationInProgress {false}
 whether the association is in progress
bool syncActive {false}
 whether the MAC is synchronized
bool rx_on_cap {true}
 whether the MAC keeps the receiver on during CAP
receive_delegate_t receiveFromAckLayerDelegate
 delegate callback for passing frames to the ACK layer
 pointer to the GNRC interface
ztimer_t timer
 timer used for the MAC
IDSMEMessage * message
 used to hold an incoming message before passing it to the MAC
GTSScheduling * scheduling = nullptr
 pointer to the scheduler
uint32_t rx_sfd
 timestamp (in number of symbols) of the last received preamble
ztimer_t acktimer
 timer used for ACK timeout events
uint8_t state
 state of the platform layer
bool wait_for_ack
 whether the MAC expects an ACK frame
bool pending_tx
 whether there is a pending TX frame
 pointer to the IEEE 802.15.4 HAL descriptor

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

state of the Platform layer

Definition at line 195 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getAddress()

IEEE802154MacAddress & dsme::DSMEPlatform::getAddress ( )

get extended address

Definition at line 334 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ getDSME()

DSMELayer & dsme::DSMEPlatform::getDSME ( )

get the DSME layer

Definition at line 96 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ getEventQueue()

event_queue_t * dsme::DSMEPlatform::getEventQueue ( )

get the event queue of the MAC

Definition at line 424 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ getMinCoordinatorLQI()

uint8_t dsme::DSMEPlatform::getMinCoordinatorLQI ( )

Get the minimum LQI.

Beacons with LQI lower than this will not be considered when deciding for a coordinator to associate to.

Definition at line 317 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ getRandom()

uint16_t dsme::DSMEPlatform::getRandom ( )

get a uint16_t random number

Definition at line 297 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ setGNRCNetif()

void dsme::DSMEPlatform::setGNRCNetif ( gnrc_netif_t * netif)

set the GNRC netif

Definition at line 188 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ setPlatformState()

void dsme::DSMEPlatform::setPlatformState ( uint8_t state)

set the platform state

Definition at line 161 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ signalReleasedMsg()

virtual void dsme::DSMEPlatform::signalReleasedMsg ( DSMEMessage * msg)

signal release of message

Definition at line 394 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ updateVisual()

void dsme::DSMEPlatform::updateVisual ( )

update visual components of openDSME

to be used in a simulation environment and therefore not used in RIOT

Field Documentation

◆ acktimer

ztimer_t dsme::DSMEPlatform::acktimer

timer used for ACK timeout events

Definition at line 516 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ associationInProgress

bool dsme::DSMEPlatform::associationInProgress {false}

whether the association is in progress

Definition at line 471 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ dsme

DSMELayer dsme::DSMEPlatform::dsme

descriptor of the DSME MAC

Definition at line 441 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ dsmeAdaptionLayer

DSMEAdaptionLayer dsme::DSMEPlatform::dsmeAdaptionLayer

descriptor of the DSME Adaption Layer

Definition at line 456 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ initialized

bool dsme::DSMEPlatform::initialized

whether the MAC is initialized

Definition at line 461 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ instance

DSMEPlatform* dsme::DSMEPlatform::instance

pointer to the DSME instance

Definition at line 76 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ mac_pib

MAC_PIB dsme::DSMEPlatform::mac_pib

holds the MAC Information Base

Definition at line 436 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ mcps_sap

mcps_sap::MCPS_SAP dsme::DSMEPlatform::mcps_sap

descriptor of the MCPS Service Access Point

Definition at line 446 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ message

IDSMEMessage* dsme::DSMEPlatform::message

used to hold an incoming message before passing it to the MAC

Definition at line 501 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ mlme_sap

mlme_sap::MLME_SAP dsme::DSMEPlatform::mlme_sap

descriptor of the MLME Service Access Point

Definition at line 451 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ netif

gnrc_netif_t* dsme::DSMEPlatform::netif

pointer to the GNRC interface

Definition at line 491 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ pending_tx

bool dsme::DSMEPlatform::pending_tx

whether there is a pending TX frame

Definition at line 531 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ phy_pib

PHY_PIB dsme::DSMEPlatform::phy_pib

holds the PHY Information Base

Definition at line 431 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ radio

ieee802154_dev_t* dsme::DSMEPlatform::radio

pointer to the IEEE 802.15.4 HAL descriptor

Definition at line 536 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ receiveFromAckLayerDelegate

receive_delegate_t dsme::DSMEPlatform::receiveFromAckLayerDelegate

delegate callback for passing frames to the ACK layer

Definition at line 486 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ rx_on_cap

bool dsme::DSMEPlatform::rx_on_cap {true}

whether the MAC keeps the receiver on during CAP

Definition at line 481 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ rx_sfd

uint32_t dsme::DSMEPlatform::rx_sfd

timestamp (in number of symbols) of the last received preamble

Definition at line 511 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ scanOrSyncInProgress

bool dsme::DSMEPlatform::scanOrSyncInProgress {false}

whether there is a scan or sync in progress

Definition at line 466 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ scheduling

GTSScheduling* dsme::DSMEPlatform::scheduling = nullptr

pointer to the scheduler

Definition at line 506 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ state

uint8_t dsme::DSMEPlatform::state

state of the platform layer

Definition at line 521 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ syncActive

bool dsme::DSMEPlatform::syncActive {false}

whether the MAC is synchronized

Definition at line 476 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ timer

ztimer_t dsme::DSMEPlatform::timer

timer used for the MAC

Definition at line 496 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ txEndCallback

Delegate<void(bool)> dsme::DSMEPlatform::txEndCallback

delegate callback for TX end

Definition at line 384 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

◆ wait_for_ack

bool dsme::DSMEPlatform::wait_for_ack

whether the MAC expects an ACK frame

Definition at line 526 of file DSMEPlatform.h.

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