22#ifndef NET_IEEE802154_RADIO_H
23#define NET_IEEE802154_RADIO_H
166#define IEEE802154_RF_CAPS_PHY_MASK \
167 (IEEE802154_CAP_PHY_BPSK \
168 | IEEE802154_CAP_PHY_ASK \
169 | IEEE802154_CAP_PHY_OQPSK \
170 | IEEE802154_CAP_PHY_MR_OQPSK \
171 | IEEE802154_CAP_PHY_MR_OFDM \
172 | IEEE802154_CAP_PHY_MR_FSK) \
905 return dev->
read(dev, buf, size, info);
Helper functions for bit arithmetic.
#define BIT8
Bit 8 set define.
#define BIT17
Bit 17 set define.
#define BIT11
Bit 11 set define.
#define BIT9
Bit 9 set define.
#define BIT14
Bit 14 set define.
#define BIT18
Bit 18 set define.
#define BIT1
Bit 1 set define.
#define BIT16
Bit 16 set define.
#define BIT10
Bit 10 set define.
#define BIT3
Bit 3 set define.
#define BIT13
Bit 13 set define.
#define BIT2
Bit 2 set define.
#define BIT7
Bit 7 set define.
#define BIT4
Bit 4 set define.
#define BIT12
Bit 12 set define.
#define BIT6
Bit 6 set define.
#define BIT0
Bit 0 set define.
#define BIT15
Bit 15 set define.
#define BIT5
Bit 5 set define.
Functions to work with different byte orders.
EUI-64 data type definition.
#define EAGAIN
Resource unavailable, try again (may be the same value as [EWOULDBLOCK]).
static int ieee802154_radio_confirm_on(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::confirm_on.
static int ieee802154_radio_cca(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Perform a Clear Channel Assessment (blocking)
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_irq_tx_done(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports TX done interrupt.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_phy_ask(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports the ASK PHY mode.
static int ieee802154_radio_set_idle(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, bool force)
Set transceiver state to IDLE (blocking)
static int ieee802154_radio_config_src_address_match(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_src_match_t cmd, const void *value)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::config_src_addr_match.
static int ieee802154_radio_read(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, void *buf, size_t size, ieee802154_rx_info_t *info)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::read.
IEEE802.15.4 CCA modes.
static int ieee802154_radio_config_phy(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, const ieee802154_phy_conf_t *conf)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::config_phy.
static int ieee802154_radio_confirm_cca(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_confirm_cca.
static int ieee802154_radio_set_csma_params(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, const ieee802154_csma_be_t *bd, int8_t retries)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::set_csma_params.
static int ieee802154_radio_confirm_transmit(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_tx_info_t *info)
Confirmation function for ieee802154_radio_request_transmit This function must be called to finish th...
static ieee802154_phy_mode_t ieee802154_cap_to_phy_mode(uint32_t cap)
Convert a ieee802154_rf_caps_t to a ieee802154_phy_mode_t value.
static int ieee802154_radio_confirm_set_idle(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Confirmation function for ieee802154_radio_request_set_idle.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_24_ghz(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports the IEEE802.15.4 2.4 GHz band.
static int ieee802154_radio_set_cca_mode(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_cca_mode_t mode)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::set_cca_mode.
Source Address Match commands.
static int ieee802154_radio_request_set_idle(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, bool force)
Request the transceiver state to IDLE.
IEEE802.15.4 Radio capabilities.
static int ieee802154_radio_off(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::off.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_irq_ack_timeout(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports ACK timeout.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_irq_rx_start(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports RX start interrupt.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_phy_bpsk(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports the BPSK PHY mode.
static int ieee802154_radio_request_cca(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Request Stand-Alone Clear Channel Assessment.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_phy_mr_fsk(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports the MR-FSK PHY mode.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_phy_mr_oqpsk(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports the MR-O-QPSK PHY mode.
IEEE802.15.4 Radio HAL events.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_frame_retrans_info(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device reports the number of retransmissions of the last TX procedure.
IEEE 802.15.4 radio operations.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_phy_oqpsk(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports the O-QPSK PHY mode.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_sub_ghz(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports the IEEE802.15.4 Sub-GHz band.
static int ieee802154_radio_request_transmit(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Transmit a preloaded frame.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_irq_tx_start(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports TX start interrupt.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_irq_cca_done(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports CCA done interrupt.
Transmission status.
static int ieee802154_radio_len(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::len.
#define IEEE802154_RF_CAPS_PHY_MASK
Bit-mask for PHY modes capabilities.
static int ieee802154_radio_request_on(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::request_on.
Address filter command.
static int ieee802154_radio_set_frame_filter_mode(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_filter_mode_t mode)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::set_frame_filter_mode.
static int ieee802154_radio_set_rx(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Set transceiver state to RX (blocking)
static int ieee802154_radio_write(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, const iolist_t *psdu)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::write.
static int ieee802154_radio_set_cca_threshold(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, int8_t threshold)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::set_cca_threshold.
static uint32_t ieee802154_radio_get_phy_modes(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Get supported PHY modes of the device.
static int ieee802154_radio_config_addr_filter(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_af_cmd_t cmd, const void *value)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::config_addr_filter.
void(* ieee802154_cb_t)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_trx_ev_t status)
Prototype of the IEEE802.15.4 device event callback.
static uint32_t ieee802154_phy_mode_to_cap(ieee802154_phy_mode_t phy_mode)
Convert a ieee802154_phy_mode_t to a ieee802154_rf_caps_t value.
Frame Filter mode.
static int ieee802154_radio_set_frame_retrans(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, uint8_t retrans)
Shortcut to ieee802154_radio_ops::set_frame_retrans.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_phy_mr_ofdm(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports the MR-OFDM PHY mode.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_auto_csma(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports Auto CSMA-CA for transmissions.
static int ieee802154_radio_confirm_set_rx(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Confirmation function for ieee802154_radio_request_set_rx.
static bool ieee802154_radio_has_frame_retrans(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Check if the device supports frame retransmissions (with CSMA-CA).
static int ieee802154_radio_request_set_rx(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Request the transceiver state to RX.
CCA using first mode (energy detection)
CCA using third mode (energy detection OR carrier sensing)
CCA using third mode (energy detection AND carrier sensing)
CCA using second mode (carrier sensing)
Clear extended address from entry.
Enable or disable source address match.
Add a extended address to entry.
Add a short address to entry.
Clear short address from entry.
Binary Phase Shift Keying PHY mode.
the device provides the number of retransmissions
the device supports frame retransmissions with CSMA-CA
the device reports the start of a frame (SFD) when received.
the device support ACK timeout interrupt
the device reports when the transmission is done
the device supports source address match table.
Offset Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying.
Multi-Rate Offset Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying PHY mode.
the device retains all register values when off.
Multi-Rate Frequency Shift Keying PHY mode.
Amplitude-Shift Keying PHY mode.
the device supports Auto CSMA-CA
the device reports reception off frames with invalid CRC.
the device support the IEEE802.15.4 Sub GHz band
the device reports the start of a frame (SFD) was sent.
the device reports the end of the CCA procedure
@ IEEE802154_CAP_24_GHZ
the device supports the IEEE802.15.4 2.4 GHz band
Multi-Rate Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing PHY mode.
the transceiver received a frame with an invalid crc.
the transceiver sent out a valid SFD
the CCA procedure finished
the transceiver detected a valid SFD
the transceiver received a frame and lies in the internal framebuffer.
the transceiver either finished sending a frame, the retransmission procedure or the channel activity...
Transmission of a preloaded frame.
Request Clear Channel Assessment.
Set the transceiver state to IDLE (RX off).
Set the transceiver state to RX.
the transceiver received a valid ACK with the frame pending bit
the transceiver successfully sent a frame.
the CSMA-CA algorithm or CCA failed to measure a clear channel
the transceiver ran out of retransmission
Set device as PAN coordinator (bool)
Set extended IEEE 802.15.4 address (eui64_t)
Set short IEEE 802.15.4 address (network_uint16_t)
Set PAN ID (uint16_t)
accept all frames, regardless of FCS
accept all valid frames that match address filter configuration
accept only ACK frames
accept all valid frames
iolist scatter / gather IO
CSMA-CA exponential backoff parameters.
uint8_t max
maximum value of the exponential backoff
uint8_t min
minimum value of the exponential backoff
the IEEE802.15.4 device descriptor
const ieee802154_radio_ops_t * driver
pointer to the operations of the device
ieee802154_cb_t cb
the event callback of the device
void * priv
pointer to the private descriptor of the device
extension for IEEE 802.15.4g MR-FSK PHY
uint8_t mod_idx
modulation index
ieee802154_mr_fsk_srate_t srate
symbol rate
ieee802154_phy_conf_t super
common settings
uint8_t mod_ord
modulation order, 2 or 4
ieee802154_mr_fsk_fec_t fec
forward error correction
extension for IEEE 802.15.4g MR-ODFM PHY
uint8_t option
OFDM Option.
uint8_t scheme
Modulation & Coding Scheme.
ieee802154_phy_conf_t super
common settings
extension for IEEE 802.15.4g MR-OQPSK PHY
uint8_t rate_mode
rate mode
ieee802154_mr_oqpsk_chips_t chips
chip rate
ieee802154_phy_conf_t super
common settings
Holder of the PHY configuration.
uint8_t page
IEEE802.15.4 channel page.
uint16_t channel
IEEE802.15.4 channel number.
int8_t pow
TX power in dBm.
ieee802154_phy_mode_t phy_mode
IEEE802.15.4 PHY mode.
Radio ops struct declaration.
int(* set_cca_mode)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_cca_mode_t mode)
Set CCA mode.
const uint32_t caps
Radio device capabilities.
int(* request_op)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_hal_op_t op, void *ctx)
Request a radio operation.
int(* confirm_on)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Confirmation function for ieee802154_radio_ops::request_on.
int(* set_cca_threshold)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, int8_t threshold)
Set the threshold for the Energy Detection (first mode of CCA)
int(* set_csma_params)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, const ieee802154_csma_be_t *bd, int8_t retries)
Set the CSMA-CA parameters.
int(* config_src_addr_match)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_src_match_t cmd, const void *value)
Set the source address match configuration.
int(* config_phy)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, const ieee802154_phy_conf_t *conf)
Set IEEE802.15.4 PHY configuration (channel, TX power)
int(* off)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Turn off the device.
int(* write)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, const iolist_t *psdu)
Write a frame into the framebuffer.
int(* len)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Get the length of the received PSDU frame.
int(* set_frame_filter_mode)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_filter_mode_t mode)
Set the frame filter moder.
int(* read)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, void *buf, size_t size, ieee802154_rx_info_t *info)
Read a frame from the internal framebuffer.
int(* request_on)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev)
Request to turn on the device.
int(* confirm_op)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_hal_op_t op, void *ctx)
Confirmation function for ieee802154_radio_ops::request_op.
int(* set_frame_retrans)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, uint8_t retrans)
Set number of frame retransmissions.
int(* config_addr_filter)(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_af_cmd_t cmd, const void *value)
Configure the address filter.
RX information associated to a frame.
uint8_t rssi
RSSI of the received frame.
uint8_t lqi
LQI of the received frame.
TX information of the last transmitted frame.
int8_t retrans
number of frame retransmissions of the last TX
ieee802154_tx_status_t status
status of the last transmission
iolist structure definition
IEEE 802.15.4 header definitions.
libc header for scatter/gather I/O