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Detailed Description

Light Control object implementation for LwM2M client using Wakaama

This feature is experimental!
This API is considered experimental and may change in future releases without deprecation process.

This implements the LwM2M Light Control object (ID 3311) as specified in the LwM2M registry.

This Object is used to control a light source, such as a LED or other light. It allows a light to be turned on or off and dim it.

To use this object add USEMODULE += wakaama_objects_light_control to the application Makefile.


For an XML description of the object see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenMobileAlliance/lwm2m-registry/prod/3311.xml

Name ID Mandatory Type Range Units Implemented
On/Off 5850 Yes Boolean - - Yes[1]
Dimmer 5851 No Integer 0 - 100 /100 Yes[1]
On time 5852 No Integer - s Yes
Cumulative active power 5805 No Float - Wh No
Power factor 5820 No Float - - No
Colour 5706 No String - - Yes
Sensor Units 5701 No String - - No
Application Type 5750 No String - - Yes

[1]: The handling of these resources are implemented, but its actual impact on the light state depends on the application.


  1. Initialize the LwM2M client with lwm2m_object_light_control_init, by passing a pointer to the LwM2M client data.
  2. Now you can create instances of the Light Control object with lwm2m_object_light_control_instance_create. As part of the arguments, you can pass a callback that will be called when the light resources are updated (i.e. status, dimmer, color, app_type), as well as an user argument.
#define LIGHT_APP_TYPE "LED 0"
// ... ///
void _light_cb(lwm2m_object_t *object, uint16_t instance_id, bool status, uint8_t dimmer,
const char* color, const char* app_type, void *arg)
printf("%s is now %s, ", app_type, status? "ON":"OFF");
printf("with color %s and intensity %d%%\n", color, dimmer);
// ... ///
lwm2m_object_t *light_control;
lwm2m_client_data_t client_data;
light_control = lwm2m_object_light_control_init(&client_data);
.cb = _light_cb,
.cb_arg = NULL,
.color = LIGHT_COLOR,
.color_len = sizeof(LIGHT_COLOR) - 1,
.app_type = LIGHT_APP_TYPE,
.app_type_len = sizeof(LIGHT_APP_TYPE) - 1
#define printf(...)
A wrapper for the printf() function that passes arguments through unmodified, but fails to compile if...
Definition stdio.h:60
void lwm2m_client_init(lwm2m_client_data_t *client_data)
Initializes a LwM2M client.
lwm2m_object_t * lwm2m_object_light_control_init(lwm2m_client_data_t *client_data)
Initialize the Light Control object.
int lwm2m_object_light_control_instance_create(const lwm2m_obj_light_control_args_t *args, int32_t instance_id)
Create a new Light Control instance and add it to the object list.
LwM2M client descriptor.
Arguments for the creation of a Light Control object instance.
  1. You can update the status, dimmer, color and app_type of the light control instance with lwm2m_object_light_control_update_status, lwm2m_object_light_control_update_dimmer, lwm2m_object_light_control_update_color and lwm2m_object_light_control_update_app_type respectively. This will make sure to send notifications to servers that may be observing these resources.
int lwm2m_object_light_control_update_dimmer(uint16_t instance_id, uint8_t dimmer, bool call_cb)
Update the dimmer value of a light control instance.
int lwm2m_object_light_control_update_status(uint16_t instance_id, bool status, bool call_cb)
Update the status of a light control instance.


 LwM2M Light Control object compile configurations


file  light_control.h

Data Structures

struct  lwm2m_obj_light_control_args
 Arguments for the creation of a Light Control object instance. More...


 Light Control object ID.


typedef void(* lwm2m_obj_light_control_cb_t) (lwm2m_object_t *object, uint16_t instance_id, bool status, uint8_t dimmer, const char *color, const char *app_type, void *arg)
 Signature of the callback called when the light resources are updated.
typedef struct lwm2m_obj_light_control_args lwm2m_obj_light_control_args_t
 Arguments for the creation of a Light Control object instance.


lwm2m_object_t * lwm2m_object_light_control_init (lwm2m_client_data_t *client_data)
 Initialize the Light Control object.
int lwm2m_object_light_control_instance_create (const lwm2m_obj_light_control_args_t *args, int32_t instance_id)
 Create a new Light Control instance and add it to the object list.
int lwm2m_object_light_control_update_status (uint16_t instance_id, bool status, bool call_cb)
 Update the status of a light control instance.
int lwm2m_object_light_control_update_dimmer (uint16_t instance_id, uint8_t dimmer, bool call_cb)
 Update the dimmer value of a light control instance.
int lwm2m_object_light_control_update_color (uint16_t instance_id, const char *color, size_t len, bool call_cb)
 Update the color of a light control instance.
int lwm2m_object_light_control_update_app_type (uint16_t instance_id, const char *app_type, size_t len, bool call_cb)
 Update the application type of a light control instance.

Light Control object resource's IDs.

 Light status resource ID.
 Dimmer value resource ID.
 On Time resource ID.
 Light active power resource ID.
 Light power factor resource ID.
 Light color resource ID.
 Units of the power sensing resource ID.
 Light application type resource ID.

Macro Definition Documentation



Light active power resource ID.

Definition at line 168 of file light_control.h.



Light application type resource ID.

Definition at line 184 of file light_control.h.



Light color resource ID.

Definition at line 176 of file light_control.h.



Dimmer value resource ID.

Definition at line 160 of file light_control.h.



Light Control object ID.

Definition at line 147 of file light_control.h.



Light status resource ID.

Definition at line 156 of file light_control.h.



On Time resource ID.

Definition at line 164 of file light_control.h.



Light power factor resource ID.

Definition at line 172 of file light_control.h.



Units of the power sensing resource ID.

Definition at line 180 of file light_control.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ lwm2m_obj_light_control_cb_t

typedef void(* lwm2m_obj_light_control_cb_t) (lwm2m_object_t *object, uint16_t instance_id, bool status, uint8_t dimmer, const char *color, const char *app_type, void *arg)

Signature of the callback called when the light resources are updated.

[in]objectLight Control object handle.
[in]instance_idID of the instance where the resource changed.
[in]statusLight status.
[in]dimmerDimmer value.
[in]colorLight color NULL-terminated string.
[in]app_typeLight application type NULL-terminated string.
[in]argArgument registered in lwm2m_object_light_control_instance_create.

Definition at line 199 of file light_control.h.

Function Documentation

◆ lwm2m_object_light_control_init()

lwm2m_object_t * lwm2m_object_light_control_init ( lwm2m_client_data_t * client_data)

Initialize the Light Control object.

[in]client_dataLwM2M client data.
Pointer to the Light Control object on success

◆ lwm2m_object_light_control_instance_create()

int lwm2m_object_light_control_instance_create ( const lwm2m_obj_light_control_args_t * args,
int32_t instance_id )

Create a new Light Control instance and add it to the object list.

[in]argsInitialize structure with the parameter for the instance. May not be NULL.
[in]instance_idID for the new instance. It must be between 0 and (UINT16_MAX - 1), if -1 the next available ID will be used.
0 on success
-EINVAL if an invalid instance_id is given
-ENOMEM if no memory is available to create a new instance

◆ lwm2m_object_light_control_update_app_type()

int lwm2m_object_light_control_update_app_type ( uint16_t instance_id,
const char * app_type,
size_t len,
bool call_cb )

Update the application type of a light control instance.

[in]instance_idID of the instance to update.
[in]app_typeNew application type of the light.
[in]lenLength of the app_type string.
[in]call_cbIf true, the callback lwm2m_obj_light_control_args_t::cb will be called.
0 on success
-EINVAL if the instance does not exist
-ENOBUFS if the app_type string is too long

◆ lwm2m_object_light_control_update_color()

int lwm2m_object_light_control_update_color ( uint16_t instance_id,
const char * color,
size_t len,
bool call_cb )

Update the color of a light control instance.

[in]instance_idID of the instance to update.
[in]colorNew color of the light.
[in]lenLength of the color string.
[in]call_cbIf true, the callback lwm2m_obj_light_control_args_t::cb will be called.
0 on success
-EINVAL if the instance does not exist
-ENOBUFS if the color string is too long

◆ lwm2m_object_light_control_update_dimmer()

int lwm2m_object_light_control_update_dimmer ( uint16_t instance_id,
uint8_t dimmer,
bool call_cb )

Update the dimmer value of a light control instance.

[in]instance_idID of the instance to update.
[in]dimmerNew dimmer value.
[in]call_cbIf true, the callback lwm2m_obj_light_control_args_t::cb will be called.
0 on success
-EINVAL if the instance does not exist

◆ lwm2m_object_light_control_update_status()

int lwm2m_object_light_control_update_status ( uint16_t instance_id,
bool status,
bool call_cb )

Update the status of a light control instance.

[in]instance_idID of the instance to update.
[in]statusNew status of the light.
[in]call_cbIf true, the callback lwm2m_obj_light_control_args_t::cb will be called.
0 on success
-EINVAL if the instance does not exist