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ARM CryptoCell 310 Driver

Provides the driver for the ARM CryptoCell 310 hardware accelerator More...

Detailed Description

Provides the driver for the ARM CryptoCell 310 hardware accelerator

See also
The source of this package is not a git repository, but a zip file downloaded from the Nordic Semiconductor software center. It is quite large and takes a while to download.
The CryptoCell 310 peripheral on the nRF52840 MCU can only access data residing in RAM, not in ROM (see nRF52840 Product Specification, Section 6.6.7). When using this driver as a backend for PSA Crypto API, API function will return PSA_ERROR_DATA_INVALID when provided input data resides in ROM.


file  cryptocell_310_util.h
 Utility functions to setup and terminate the CryptoCell 310 driver.
file  psa_cryptocell_310_aes_common.h
 Common AES functions used by all PSA Crypto wrappers for the CryptoCell 310 AES APIs.
file  psa_cryptocell_310_ecc_common.h
 Common ECC functions used by all PSA Crypto wrappers for the CryptoCell 310 ECC APIs.
file  psa_cryptocell_310_hashes_common.h
 Common hash functions used by all PSA Crypto wrappers for the CryptoCell 310 hash APIs.
file  psa_error.h
 Glue code translating between PSA Crypto and the CryptoCell 310 driver APIs.
file  psa_periph_aes_ctx.h
 CryptoCell 310 driver specific AES contexts.
file  psa_periph_hashes_ctx.h
 CryptoCell 310 driver specific hash contexts.