Definition of the generic [S]ensor [A]ctuator [U]ber [L]ayer.
uint_fast8_t i2c_t
Default i2c_t type definition.
int veml6070_init(veml6070_t *dev, const veml6070_params_t *params)
Initialize the given VEML6070 device.
Integration times.
uint16_t veml6070_read_uv(const veml6070_t *dev)
Read UV index from the given VEML6070 device.
enum veml6070_integrationtime veml6070_itime_t
Integration times.
@ VEML6070_1_T
1 T integration time
@ VEML6070_4_T
4 T integration time
1/2 T integration time
@ VEML6070_2_T
2 T integration time
@ VEML6070_ERR_I2C
Error initializing the I2C bus.
@ VEML6070_OK
Everything was fine.
Low-level I2C peripheral driver interface definition.
Device initialization parameters.
i2c_t i2c_dev
I2C device which is used.
veml6070_itime_t itime
Integration time.
Device descriptor for the VEML6070 sensor.
veml6070_params_t params
Device parameters.