Definition of the generic [S]ensor [A]ctuator [U]ber [L]ayer.
uint_fast8_t i2c_t
Default i2c_t type definition.
uint16_t si114x_read_distance(si114x_t *dev)
Read distance measure from the given Si114x device, returned in ADC counts.
uint16_t si114x_read_visible(si114x_t *dev)
Read visible light value from the given Si114x device, returned in lx.
Initialization return codes.
Active LED current parameters.
int8_t si114x_init(si114x_t *dev, const si114x_params_t *params)
Initialize the given Si114x device.
uint8_t si114x_read_response(si114x_t *dev)
Read the response register.
uint16_t si114x_read_ir(si114x_t *dev)
Read IR light value from the given Si114x device, returned in lx.
uint16_t si114x_read_uv(si114x_t *dev)
Read UV index from the given Si114x device.
Low-level I2C peripheral driver interface definition.
Device initialization parameters.
i2c_t i2c_dev
I2C device which is used.
si114x_led_current_t led_current
Proximity LED current.
Device descriptor for the Si114x sensor.
si114x_params_t params
Si114x initialization parameters.