| Default stack size to use for the RPL thread.
#define | GNRC_RPL_PRIO (GNRC_IPV6_PRIO + 1) |
| Default priority for the RPL thread.
| Default message queue size to use for the RPL thread (as exponent of 2^n).
| Message queue size to use for the RPL thread.
#define | GNRC_RPL_ALL_NODES_ADDR {{ 0xff, 0x02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x1a }} |
| Static initializer for the all-RPL-nodes multicast IPv6 address (ff02::1a)
| Message type for lifetime updates.
#define | GNRC_RPL_MSG_TYPE_TRICKLE_MSG (0x0901) |
| Message type for trickle.
#define | GNRC_RPL_MSG_TYPE_DAO_HANDLE (0x0903) |
| Message type for handling DAO sending.
| Infinite rank.
| Default minimum hop rank increase.
| Maximum rank increase.
| Number of implemented Objective Functions.
#define | GNRC_RPL_DEFAULT_OCP (0) |
| Default Objective Code Point (OF0)
| Default Instance ID.
| Default prefix length for the DODAG id.
| Default prefix valid and preferred time for the DODAG id.
#define | GNRC_RPL_GROUNDED (1) |
| A DODAG can be grounded or floating.
| Cleanup interval in milliseconds.
| Rank of the root node.
#define | GNRC_RPL_ICMPV6_CODE_DIS (0x00) |
| DIS ICMPv6 code.
#define | GNRC_RPL_ICMPV6_CODE_DIO (0x01) |
| DIO ICMPv6 code.
#define | GNRC_RPL_ICMPV6_CODE_DAO (0x02) |
| DAO ICMPv6 code.
#define | GNRC_RPL_ICMPV6_CODE_DAO_ACK (0x03) |
| DAO ACK ICMPv6 code.
| Update interval of the lifetime update function.
#define | DAGRANK(rank, mhri) |
| Rank part of the DODAG.
| Number of DIS retries before parent times out.
| Default network interface for GNRC RPL.
kernel_pid_t | gnrc_rpl_init (kernel_pid_t if_pid) |
| Initialization of the RPL thread.
gnrc_rpl_instance_t * | gnrc_rpl_root_init (uint8_t instance_id, const ipv6_addr_t *dodag_id, bool gen_inst_id, bool local_inst_id) |
| Initialization of a node as root.
void | gnrc_rpl_send_DIO (gnrc_rpl_instance_t *instance, ipv6_addr_t *destination) |
| Send a DIO of the instance to the destination .
void | gnrc_rpl_send_DIS (gnrc_rpl_instance_t *instance, ipv6_addr_t *destination, gnrc_rpl_internal_opt_t **options, size_t num_opts) |
| Send a DIS of the instance to the destination .
void | gnrc_rpl_send_DAO (gnrc_rpl_instance_t *instance, ipv6_addr_t *destination, uint8_t lifetime) |
| Send a DAO of the dodag to the destination .
void | gnrc_rpl_send_DAO_ACK (gnrc_rpl_instance_t *instance, ipv6_addr_t *destination, uint8_t seq) |
| Send a DAO-ACK of the instance to the destination .
void | gnrc_rpl_recv_DIS (gnrc_rpl_dis_t *dis, kernel_pid_t iface, ipv6_addr_t *src, ipv6_addr_t *dst, uint16_t len) |
| Parse a DIS.
void | gnrc_rpl_recv_DIO (gnrc_rpl_dio_t *dio, kernel_pid_t iface, ipv6_addr_t *src, ipv6_addr_t *dst, uint16_t len) |
| Parse a DIO.
void | gnrc_rpl_recv_DAO (gnrc_rpl_dao_t *dao, kernel_pid_t iface, ipv6_addr_t *src, ipv6_addr_t *dst, uint16_t len) |
| Parse a DAO.
void | gnrc_rpl_recv_DAO_ACK (gnrc_rpl_dao_ack_t *dao_ack, kernel_pid_t iface, ipv6_addr_t *src, ipv6_addr_t *dst, uint16_t len) |
| Parse a DAO-ACK.
void | gnrc_rpl_delay_dao (gnrc_rpl_dodag_t *dodag) |
| Delay the DAO sending interval.
void | gnrc_rpl_long_delay_dao (gnrc_rpl_dodag_t *dodag) |
| Long delay the DAO sending interval.
gnrc_rpl_instance_t * | gnrc_rpl_root_instance_init (uint8_t instance_id, const ipv6_addr_t *dodag_id, uint8_t mop) |
| Create a new RPL instance and RPL DODAG.
void | gnrc_rpl_send (gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, kernel_pid_t iface, ipv6_addr_t *src, ipv6_addr_t *dst, ipv6_addr_t *dodag_id) |
| Send a control message.
uint8_t | gnrc_rpl_gen_instance_id (bool local) |
| Generate a local or global instance id.
static void | gnrc_rpl_config_pio (gnrc_rpl_dodag_t *dodag, bool status) |
| (De-)Activate the transmission of Prefix Information Options within DIOs for a particular DODAG.
void | gnrc_rpl_configure_root (gnrc_netif_t *netif, const ipv6_addr_t *dodag_id) |
| Convenience function to start a RPL root using the default configuration.