48#define JC42_NOI2C (-1)
49#define JC42_NODEV (-2)
Definition of the generic [S]ensor [A]ctuator [U]ber [L]ayer.
int jc42_get_config(const jc42_t *dev, uint16_t *data)
Get content of configuration register.
int jc42_init(jc42_t *dev, const jc42_params_t *params)
Initialize a jc42 device.
int jc42_get_temperature(const jc42_t *dev, int16_t *temperature)
Get measured temperature.
int jc42_set_config(const jc42_t *dev, uint16_t data)
Set content of configuration register.
const saul_driver_t jc42_temperature_saul_driver
Export SAUL endpoint.
uint_fast8_t i2c_t
Default i2c_t type definition.
Low-level I2C peripheral driver interface definition.
Device initialization parameters.
i2c_t i2c
I2C device that sensor is connected to.
uint8_t addr
Configured address of the sensor.
i2c_speed_t speed
I2C device speed.
Device descriptor for a jc42 device.
i2c_t i2c
I2C device that sensor is connected to.
uint8_t addr
I2C address of this particular sensor.
Definition of the RIOT actuator/sensor interface.