66#if IS_USED(MODULE_HM3302)
Low-level GPIO peripheral driver interface definitions.
void hm330x_sleep(hm330x_t *dev)
Set Device to Sleep.
int hm330x_read(hm330x_t *dev, hm330x_data_t *data)
Read particle matter measurements.
void hm330x_wakeup(hm330x_t *dev)
Wakeup Device.
void hm330x_reset(hm330x_t *dev)
Reset the sensor.
int hm330x_init(hm330x_t *dev, const hm330x_params_t *params)
Initialize the given device.
uint16_t gpio_t
GPIO type identifier.
uint_fast8_t i2c_t
Default i2c_t type definition.
Low-level I2C peripheral driver interface definition.
Set of measured particulate matter values as sent by the device.
uint16_t amc_pm_10
PM10 ug/m3 (atmospheric environment) <= 10µm [µg/m^3].
uint16_t amc_pm_2p5
PM2.5 ug/m3 (atmospheric environment) <= 2.5µm [µg/m^3].
uint16_t mc_pm_1
PM1.0 ug/m3 (ultrafine particles) <= 1µm [µg/m^3].
uint16_t mc_pm_2p5
PM2.5 ug/m3 (combustion particles, organic compounds, metals) <= 2.5µm [µg/m^3].
uint16_t mc_pm_10
PM10 ug/m3 (dust, pollen, mould spores) <= 10µm [µg/m^3].
uint16_t amc_pm_1
PM1.0 ug/m3 (atmospheric environment) <= 1µm [µg/m^3].
Device initialization parameters.
gpio_t set_pin
Set/Enable pin, active high.
gpio_t reset_pin
Reset pin, active low.
Device descriptor for the driver.
hm330x_params_t params
parameters of the sensor device