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Library for using RIOT as CoRE Resource Directory endpoint More...

Detailed Description

Library for using RIOT as CoRE Resource Directory endpoint

This module implements a CoRE Resource Directory endpoint library, that allows RIOT nodes to register themselves with resource directories. It implements the standard endpoint functionality as defined in RFC 9176.

See also

Design Decisions


 CoRE RD Endpoint Standalone Extension
 Run a CoRE Resource Directory endpoint standalone


file  ep.h
 CoRE Resource Directory endpoint interface.


enum  {
  CORD_EP_OK = 0 , CORD_EP_TIMEOUT = -1 , CORD_EP_ERR = -2 , CORD_EP_NORD = -3 ,
 Return values and error codes used by this module. More...


int cord_ep_discover_regif (const sock_udp_ep_t *remote, char *regif, size_t maxlen)
 Discover the registration interface resource of a RD.
int cord_ep_register (const sock_udp_ep_t *remote, const char *regif)
 Initiate the node registration by sending an empty push.
int cord_ep_update (void)
 Update our current entry at the RD.
int cord_ep_remove (void)
 Unregister from a given RD server.
void cord_ep_dump_status (void)
 Dump the current RD connection status to STDIO (for debugging)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Return values and error codes used by this module.


everything went as expected


no response from the network


internal error or invalid reply


not connected to an RD


internal buffers can not handle input

Definition at line 46 of file ep.h.

Function Documentation

◆ cord_ep_discover_regif()

int cord_ep_discover_regif ( const sock_udp_ep_t * remote,
char * regif,
size_t maxlen )

Discover the registration interface resource of a RD.

[in]remoteremote endpoint of the target RD
[out]regifthe registration interface is written to this buffer
[in]maxlensize of regif
CORD_EP_OK on success
CORD_EP_TIMEOUT if the discovery request times out
CORD_EP_NORD if addressed endpoint is not a RD
CORD_EP_ERR on any other internal error

◆ cord_ep_register()

int cord_ep_register ( const sock_udp_ep_t * remote,
const char * regif )

Initiate the node registration by sending an empty push.

  • if registration fails (e.g. timeout), we are not associated with any RD anymore (even if we have been before we called cord_ep_register)
In case a multicast address is given, the regif parameter MUST be NULL. The first RD responding to the request will be chosen and all replies from other RD servers are ignored.
[in]remoteremote endpoint of the target RD
[in]regifregistration interface resource of the RD, it will be discovered automatically when set to NULL
CORD_EP_OK on success
CORD_EP_TIMEOUT on registration timeout
CORD_EP_NORD if addressed endpoint is not a RD
CORD_EP_OVERFLOW if regif does not fit into internal buffer
CORD_EP_ERR on any other internal error

◆ cord_ep_remove()

int cord_ep_remove ( void )

Unregister from a given RD server.

CORD_EP_OK on success
CORD_EP_TIMEOUT if the remove request times out
CORD_EP_ERR on any other internal error

◆ cord_ep_update()

int cord_ep_update ( void )

Update our current entry at the RD.

CORD_EP_OK on success
CORD_EP_TIMEOUT if the update request times out
CORD_EP_ERR on any other internal error