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Driver for the Arduino W5100 Ethernet Shield

Driver for the Arduino W5100 Ethernet Shield


Photo of the Arduino Ethernet Shield
Key Value
Abstract Ethernet Network Card
Product Name Arduino Ethernet Shield
Vendor Arduino
Vendor Doc Product Homepage
Attachment Standard Arduino UNO Shield (ISP-SPI required)


The driver is enabled by using the module shield_w5100, e.g. with:

USEMODULE=shield_w5100 make BOARD=arduino-due -C examples/networking/gnrc/gnrc_networking

It depends on W5100 ethernet driver and provides nothing more than the providing the correct configuration. For this, it depends on the arduino_pins, arduino_spi, arduino_shield_uno and the arduino_shield_isp feature. It should work out of the box for any fully Arduino UNO compatible board (including the ISP header) and correct I/O mapping (arduino_*) features.