High-level driver for the RN2483/RN2903 LoRa modules More...
High-level driver for the RN2483/RN2903 LoRa modules
Topics | |
RN2483/RN2903 Radio driver compile configuration | |
Files | |
file | rn2xx3.h |
High-level driver for the RN2483/RN2903 LoRa modules. | |
file | rn2xx3_internal.h |
Internal driver definitions for the RN2483/RN2903 LoRa modules. | |
file | rn2xx3_params.h |
Default configuration for RN2483/RN2903 devices. | |
Data Structures | |
struct | loramac_settings_t |
LoRaMAC communication settings. More... | |
struct | rn2xx3_params_t |
Configuration parameters for RN2483/RN2903 devices. More... | |
struct | rn2xx3_t |
RN2483/RN2903 device descriptor. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | RN2XX3_MAX_BUF (40U) |
Maximum length of an exchanged messages with commands. | |
#define | RN2XX3_RX_MAX_BUF (250U) |
Maximum length of an RX message. | |
#define | RN2XX3_REPLY_DELAY_TIMEOUT (60U) |
Maximum delay in second to receive a reply from server. | |
#define | RN2XX3_SLEEP_MIN (100U) |
Minimum sleep duration (in ms) | |
Enumerations | |
Command responses and server replies status codes. More... | |
Internal states of the device. More... | |
Functions | |
void | rn2xx3_setup (rn2xx3_t *dev, const rn2xx3_params_t *params) |
Prepares the given RN2XX3 device. | |
int | rn2xx3_init (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Initializes the RN2XX3 device. | |
int | rn2xx3_sys_reset (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Restarts the RN2XX2 device. | |
int | rn2xx3_sys_factory_reset (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Performs a factory reset of the module. | |
int | rn2xx3_sys_sleep (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Puts the RN2XX2 device in sleep mode. | |
int | rn2xx3_mac_init (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Initializes the RN2XX3 device MAC layer. | |
int | rn2xx3_write_cmd (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Writes a command to the RN2XX3 device. | |
int | rn2xx3_write_cmd_no_wait (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Writes a command to the RN2XX3 device but don't wait for timeout or response. | |
int | rn2xx3_wait_response (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Waits for a response to a command from the device. | |
int | rn2xx3_wait_reply (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint8_t timeout) |
Waits for a reply from the LoRaWAN network. | |
int | rn2xx3_mac_tx (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint8_t *payload, uint8_t payload_len) |
Sends data to LoRaWAN server. | |
int | rn2xx3_mac_join_network (rn2xx3_t *dev, loramac_join_mode_t mode) |
Starts network activation procedure. | |
int | rn2xx3_mac_save (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Saves current LoRaMAC configuration to internal EEPROM. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_get_deveui (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint8_t *eui) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device EUI. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_deveui (rn2xx3_t *dev, const uint8_t *eui) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device EUI. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_get_appeui (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint8_t *eui) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application EUI. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_appeui (rn2xx3_t *dev, const uint8_t *eui) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application EUI. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_appkey (rn2xx3_t *dev, const uint8_t *key) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application key. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_appskey (rn2xx3_t *dev, const uint8_t *key) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application session key. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_nwkskey (rn2xx3_t *dev, const uint8_t *key) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC network session key. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_get_devaddr (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint8_t *addr) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device address. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_devaddr (rn2xx3_t *dev, const uint8_t *addr) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device address. | |
loramac_tx_pwr_idx_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_tx_power (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX radio power index. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_tx_power (rn2xx3_t *dev, loramac_tx_pwr_idx_t power) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC transmission power index. | |
loramac_dr_idx_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_dr (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_dr (rn2xx3_t *dev, loramac_dr_idx_t dr) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate. | |
uint16_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_band (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC frequency band in operation. | |
bool | rn2xx3_mac_get_adr (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Checks if the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC adaptive datarate is enabled/disabled. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_adr (rn2xx3_t *dev, bool adr) |
Enables/disables the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC adaptive datarate. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_battery (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint8_t battery) |
Sets the rn2xx3 battery level measured by the end device. | |
uint8_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_retx (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC uplink retransmission retries number. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_retx (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint8_t retx) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC uplink retransmission retries number. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_linkchk_interval (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint16_t linkchk) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC link check interval (in seconds) | |
uint16_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_rx1_delay (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC interval delay before the first reception window (in ms) | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_rx1_delay (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint16_t rx1) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC interval delay before the first reception window (in ms) | |
uint16_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_rx2_delay (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC interval delay before the second reception window (in ms) | |
bool | rn2xx3_mac_get_ar (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Checks the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC automatic reply state. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_ar (rn2xx3_t *dev, bool ar) |
Enables/disables LoRaMAC rn2xx3 MAC automatic reply state. | |
loramac_dr_idx_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_rx2_dr (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate used for second receive window. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_rx2_dr (rn2xx3_t *dev, loramac_dr_idx_t dr) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate used for second receive window. | |
uint32_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_rx2_freq (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC frequency used during second receive window (in Hz) | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_rx2_freq (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint32_t freq) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC frequency used during second receive window (in Hz) | |
uint8_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_tx_port (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX port. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_tx_port (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint8_t port) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX port. | |
loramac_tx_mode_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_tx_mode (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX mode. | |
void | rn2xx3_mac_set_tx_mode (rn2xx3_t *dev, loramac_tx_mode_t mode) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX mode. | |
uint8_t | rn2xx3_mac_get_rx_port (rn2xx3_t *dev) |
Parses the response buffer to get the LoRaWAN RX port. | |
void | rn2xx3_sys_set_sleep_duration (rn2xx3_t *dev, uint32_t sleep) |
Sets the rn2xx3 sleep mode duration (in ms) | |
#define RN2XX3_MAX_BUF (40U) |
#define RN2XX3_RX_MAX_BUF (250U) |
#define RN2XX3_SLEEP_MIN (100U) |
anonymous enum |
Command responses and server replies status codes.
Enumerator | |
RN2XX3_OK | Command is valid. |
RN2XX3_DATA | Command returned data. |
RN2XX3_TIMEOUT | Command timeout. |
RN2XX3_ERR_MAC_INIT | Device mac initialization failed. |
RN2XX3_ERR_INVALID_PARAM | Wrong command given. |
RN2XX3_ERR_NOT_JOINED | Network is not joined. |
RN2XX3_ERR_NO_FREE_CH | All channels are busy. |
RN2XX3_ERR_SILENT | Device is in Silent Immediately state. |
RN2XX3_ERR_FR_CNT_REJOIN_NEEDED | Frame counter rolled over. |
RN2XX3_ERR_BUSY | MAC is not in Idle state. |
RN2XX3_ERR_MAC_PAUSED | MAC was paused. |
RN2XX3_ERR_INVALID_DATA_LENGTH | Wrong payload given. |
RN2XX3_ERR_KEYS_NOT_INIT | Keys not configured ("mac join" command) |
RN2XX3_ERR_SLEEP_MODE | Failure because device is in sleep mode. |
RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_MAC_OK | MAC transmission successful. |
RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_MAC_ERR | MAC transmission failed. |
RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_INVALID_DATA_LEN | Application payload too large. |
RN2XX3_REPLY_TX_MAC_RX | Data received from server. |
RN2XX3_REPLY_JOIN_ACCEPTED | Join procedure successful. |
RN2XX3_REPLY_JOIN_DENIED | Join procedure failed. |
RN2XX3_REPLY_TIMEOUT | No MAC reply received from server. |
RN2XX3_REPLY_OTHER | Unknown reply. |
anonymous enum |
Internal states of the device.
int rn2xx3_init | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Initializes the RN2XX3 device.
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |
bool rn2xx3_mac_get_adr | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Checks if the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC adaptive datarate is enabled/disabled.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
void rn2xx3_mac_get_appeui | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint8_t * | eui ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application EUI.
The application EUI is an array of 8 bytes.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[out] | eui | The application EUI |
bool rn2xx3_mac_get_ar | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Checks the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC automatic reply state.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
uint16_t rn2xx3_mac_get_band | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC frequency band in operation.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
void rn2xx3_mac_get_devaddr | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint8_t * | addr ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device address.
The device address is an array of 4 bytes.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[out] | addr | The device address |
void rn2xx3_mac_get_deveui | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint8_t * | eui ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device EUI.
The device EUI is an array of 8 bytes.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[out] | eui | The device EUI |
loramac_dr_idx_t rn2xx3_mac_get_dr | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
uint8_t rn2xx3_mac_get_retx | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC uplink retransmission retries number.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
uint16_t rn2xx3_mac_get_rx1_delay | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC interval delay before the first reception window (in ms)
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
uint16_t rn2xx3_mac_get_rx2_delay | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC interval delay before the second reception window (in ms)
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
loramac_dr_idx_t rn2xx3_mac_get_rx2_dr | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate used for second receive window.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
uint32_t rn2xx3_mac_get_rx2_freq | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC frequency used during second receive window (in Hz)
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
uint8_t rn2xx3_mac_get_rx_port | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Parses the response buffer to get the LoRaWAN RX port.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
loramac_tx_mode_t rn2xx3_mac_get_tx_mode | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX mode.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
uint8_t rn2xx3_mac_get_tx_port | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX port.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
loramac_tx_pwr_idx_t rn2xx3_mac_get_tx_power | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Gets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX radio power index.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
int rn2xx3_mac_init | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Initializes the RN2XX3 device MAC layer.
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |
int rn2xx3_mac_join_network | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
loramac_join_mode_t | mode ) |
Starts network activation procedure.
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |
[in] | mode | Activation procedure type |
int rn2xx3_mac_save | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Saves current LoRaMAC configuration to internal EEPROM.
The configuration parameters saved are: frequency band, end device EUI, application EUI, application key, network session key, application session key, end device EUI and all channel parameters.
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_adr | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
bool | adr ) |
Enables/disables the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC adaptive datarate.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | adr | The adaptive datarate mode |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_appeui | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
const uint8_t * | eui ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application EUI.
The application key is an array of 8 bytes.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | eui | The application EUI |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_appkey | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
const uint8_t * | key ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application key.
The application key is an array of 16 bytes.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | key | The application key |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_appskey | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
const uint8_t * | key ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC application session key.
The application session key is an array of 16 bytes.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | key | The application session key |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_ar | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
bool | ar ) |
Enables/disables LoRaMAC rn2xx3 MAC automatic reply state.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | ar | The automatic reply state |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_battery | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint8_t | battery ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 battery level measured by the end device.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | battery | The battery level:
void rn2xx3_mac_set_devaddr | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
const uint8_t * | addr ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device address.
The device address is an array of 4 bytes.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | addr | The device address |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_deveui | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
const uint8_t * | eui ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC device EUI.
The device EUI is an array of 8 bytes.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | eui | The device EUI |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_dr | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
loramac_dr_idx_t | dr ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | dr | The datarate |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_linkchk_interval | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint16_t | linkchk ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC link check interval (in seconds)
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | linkchk | The link check interval in seconds |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_nwkskey | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
const uint8_t * | key ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC network session key.
The network session key is an array of 16 bytes.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | key | The network session key |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_retx | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint8_t | retx ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC uplink retransmission retries number.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | retx | The number of uplink retransmission retries |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_rx1_delay | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint16_t | rx1 ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC interval delay before the first reception window (in ms)
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | rx1 | The delay in ms |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_rx2_dr | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
loramac_dr_idx_t | dr ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC datarate used for second receive window.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | dr | The datarate during second receive window |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_rx2_freq | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint32_t | freq ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC frequency used during second receive window (in Hz)
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | freq | The frequency during second receive window |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_tx_mode | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
loramac_tx_mode_t | mode ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX mode.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | mode | The TX mode, either confirmable or unconfirmable |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_tx_port | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint8_t | port ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC TX port.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | port | The TX port (from 1 to 223) |
void rn2xx3_mac_set_tx_power | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
loramac_tx_pwr_idx_t | power ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 LoRaMAC transmission power index.
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | power | The TX power index |
int rn2xx3_mac_tx | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint8_t * | payload, | ||
uint8_t | payload_len ) |
Sends data to LoRaWAN server.
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |
[in] | payload | Payload to transmit |
[in] | payload_len | Payload length to transmit |
void rn2xx3_setup | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
const rn2xx3_params_t * | params ) |
Prepares the given RN2XX3 device.
[out] | dev | RN2XX3 device to initialize |
[in] | params | parameters for device initialization |
int rn2xx3_sys_factory_reset | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Performs a factory reset of the module.
The configuration data and user EEPPROM are reinitialized to factory default values and the module reboots
After calling this function, dev->resp_buf contains the module name and version string.
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |
int rn2xx3_sys_reset | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Restarts the RN2XX2 device.
After calling this function, dev->resp_buf contains the module name and version string.
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |
void rn2xx3_sys_set_sleep_duration | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint32_t | sleep ) |
Sets the rn2xx3 sleep mode duration (in ms)
[in] | dev | The rn2xx3 device descriptor |
[in] | sleep | The sleep mode duration (ms) |
int rn2xx3_sys_sleep | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Puts the RN2XX2 device in sleep mode.
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |
int rn2xx3_wait_reply | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev, |
uint8_t | timeout ) |
Waits for a reply from the LoRaWAN network.
[in] | dev | LoRaBee device descriptor |
[in] | timeout | Reply wait timeout in seconds |
int rn2xx3_wait_response | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Waits for a response to a command from the device.
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |
int rn2xx3_write_cmd | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Writes a command to the RN2XX3 device.
The module will immediately reply with a meaningful message if the command is valid or not.
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |
int rn2xx3_write_cmd_no_wait | ( | rn2xx3_t * | dev | ) |
Writes a command to the RN2XX3 device but don't wait for timeout or response.
The response can be checked in the dev->resp_buf
buffer after a small delay (for example 1ms).
[in] | dev | RN2XX3 device descriptor |