30#include "periph_cpu.h"
57#define TIMER_0_ISRA TCC1_CCA_vect
59#define TIMER_1_ISRA TCC0_CCA_vect
60#define TIMER_1_ISRB TCC0_CCB_vect
61#define TIMER_1_ISRC TCC0_CCC_vect
62#define TIMER_1_ISRD TCC0_CCD_vect
64#define TIMER_NUMOF ARRAY_SIZE(timer_config)
101#define UART_0_RXC_ISR USARTC0_RXC_vect
102#define UART_0_DRE_ISR USARTC0_DRE_vect
103#define UART_0_TXC_ISR USARTC0_TXC_vect
105#define UART_1_RXC_ISR USARTE0_RXC_vect
106#define UART_1_DRE_ISR USARTE0_DRE_vect
107#define UART_1_TXC_ISR USARTE0_TXC_vect
109#define UART_NUMOF ARRAY_SIZE(uart_config)
127#define I2C_0_ISR TWIC_TWIM_vect
129#define I2C_NUMOF ARRAY_SIZE(i2c_config)
147#define SPI_NUMOF ARRAY_SIZE(spi_config)
154#include "periph_conf_common.h"
#define GPIO_PIN(x, y)
Define a CPU specific GPIO pin generator macro.
#define GPIO_UNDEF
Definition of a fitting UNDEF value.
#define PWR_RED_REG(reg, dev)
Define a CPU specific Power Reduction index macro.
normal mode: ~100 kbit/s
Interrupt Disabled
Interrupt Low Level
Mutex for thread synchronization.
I2C configuration structure.
TWI_t * dev
Pointer to hardware module registers.
SPI device configuration.
SPI_t * dev
pointer to the used SPI device
Timer device configuration.
TC0_t * dev
Pointer to the used as Timer device.
UART device configuration.
USART_t * dev
pointer to the used UART device