Definitions low-level network driver interface.
Low-level GPIO peripheral driver interface definitions.
uint16_t gpio_t
GPIO type identifier.
void w5500_setup(w5500_t *dev, const w5500_params_t *params, uint8_t index)
So the initial device setup.
struct w5500 w5500_t
Device descriptor for W5500 devices.
Common macros and compiler attributes/pragmas configuration.
Low-level SPI peripheral driver interface definition.
Structure to hold driver state.
gpio_t cs
pin connected to the chip select line
uint32_t polling_interval_ms
interval for polling, 0 if interrupt mode
gpio_t irq
pin connected to the INT line
spi_clk_t clk
clock speed used on the selected SPI bus
Device descriptor for W5500 devices.
w5500_params_t p
device configuration parameters
bool link_up
used to prevent sending the same LINK event twice
bool frame_sent
indicates that the frame has been transmitted
netdev_t netdev
extends the netdev structure
uint16_t frame_size
size of the frame which has been send
ztimer_t timerInstance
stores the polling interval timer in polling mode