20#ifndef NET_GNRC_TCP_TCB_H
21#define NET_GNRC_TCP_TCB_H
Message box based evtimer event.
IPC-based evtimer definitions.
Definitions for GNRC's IPv6 implementation.
Mutex for thread synchronization.
General definitions for network packets and their helper functions.
A utility for storing and retrieving byte data using a ring buffer.
Message box event definition.
Type to represent parts (either headers or payload) of a packet, called snips.
Mailbox struct definition.
mutex_t lock
Mutex for access synchronization.
gnrc_tcp_tcb_t * tcbs
Pointer to TCB sequence.
size_t tcbs_len
Number of TCBs behind member tcbs.
mutex_t fsm_lock
Mutex for FSM access synchronization.
uint8_t address_family
Address Family of local_addr / peer_addr.
uint16_t local_port
Local connections port number.
uint16_t snd_wnd
Send window.
uint8_t state
Connections state.
ringbuffer_t rcv_buf
Receive buffer data structure.
uint8_t peer_addr[sizeof(ipv6_addr_t)]
Peer IP address.
evtimer_mbox_event_t event_misc
General purpose event.
evtimer_msg_event_t event_timeout
Timeout event.
int32_t rto
Retransmission timeout duration.
evtimer_msg_event_t event_retransmit
Retransmission event.
uint32_t snd_una
Send unacknowledged.
uint32_t iss
Initial sequence sumber.
uint8_t status
A connections status flags.
uint16_t mss
The peers MSS.
uint16_t rcv_wnd
Receive window.
gnrc_pktsnip_t * pkt_retransmit
Pointer to packet in "retransmit queue".
mbox_t * mbox
TCB mbox for synchronization.
int32_t rtt_var
Round trip time variance.
uint32_t snd_nxt
Send next.
uint32_t rtt_start
Timer value for rtt estimation.
int8_t ll_iface
Link layer interface id to use.
uint32_t irs
Initial received sequence number.
mutex_t function_lock
Mutex for function call synchronization.
struct sock_tcp * next
Pointer next TCB.
uint8_t local_addr[sizeof(ipv6_addr_t)]
Local IP address.
uint16_t peer_port
Peer connections port number.
int32_t srtt
Smoothed round trip time.
uint32_t rcv_nxt
Receive next.
uint8_t * rcv_buf_raw
Pointer to the receive buffer.
uint8_t retries
Number of retransmissions.
struct sock_tcp_queue gnrc_tcp_tcb_queue_t
Transmission control block queue.
struct sock_tcp gnrc_tcp_tcb_t
Transmission control block of GNRC TCP.
Data type to represent an IPv6 address.