29#include "sx1280_driver/src/sx1280_hal.h"
30#include "sx1280_driver/src/sx1280.h"
31#include "smtc_ral/src/ral.h"
32#include "smtc_ral/src/ral_defs.h"
47#define SX1280_CHANNEL_DEFAULT (2403000000UL)
48#define SX1280_RADIO_TX_POWER (SX1280_PWR_MAX)
79 sx1280_hal_operating_mode_t
POSIX.1-2008 compliant version of the assert macro.
Definitions low-level network driver interface.
Low-level GPIO peripheral driver interface definitions.
uint16_t gpio_t
GPIO type identifier.
uint32_t sx1280_get_bandwidth(const sx1280_t *dev)
Gets the LoRa bandwidth.
uint32_t sx1280_get_channel(const sx1280_t *dev)
Gets the channel RF frequency.
bool sx1280_get_lora_iq_invert(const sx1280_t *dev)
Checks if the LoRa inverted IQ mode is enabled/disabled.
void sx1280_setup(sx1280_t *dev, const sx1280_params_t *params, uint8_t index)
Setup the radio device.
bool sx1280_get_lora_crc(const sx1280_t *dev)
Checks if CRC verification mode is enabled.
void sx1280_set_channel(sx1280_t *dev, uint32_t freq)
Sets the channel RF frequency.
uint32_t sx1280_random(const sx1280_t *dev)
Gets a random number.
uint8_t sx1280_get_lora_payload_length(const sx1280_t *dev)
Gets the payload length.
void sx1280_set_lora_payload_length(sx1280_t *dev, uint8_t len)
Sets the payload length.
void sx1280_set_bandwidth(sx1280_t *dev, uint16_t bandwidth)
Sets the LoRa bandwidth.
bool sx1280_get_lora_implicit_header(const sx1280_t *dev)
Gets the LoRa implicit header mode.
void sx1280_set_lora_preamble_length(sx1280_t *dev, uint16_t preamble)
Sets the LoRa preamble length.
uint8_t sx1280_get_coding_rate(const sx1280_t *dev)
Gets the LoRa coding rate.
uint8_t sx1280_get_spreading_factor(const sx1280_t *dev)
Gets the LoRa spreading factor.
void sx1280_set_lora_iq_invert(sx1280_t *dev, bool iq_invert)
Enable/disable the LoRa IQ inverted mode.
int sx1280_init(sx1280_t *dev)
Initialize the given device.
void sx1280_set_spreading_factor(sx1280_t *dev, uint8_t sf)
Sets the LoRa spreading factor.
void sx1280_set_lora_crc(sx1280_t *dev, bool crc)
Enable/Disable CRC verification mode.
void sx1280_set_lora_implicit_header(sx1280_t *dev, bool mode)
Sets LoRa implicit header mode.
void sx1280_set_coding_rate(sx1280_t *dev, uint8_t cr)
Sets the LoRa coding rate.
uint16_t sx1280_get_lora_preamble_length(const sx1280_t *dev)
Gets the LoRa preamble length.
Support SPI modes.
Low-level SPI peripheral driver interface definition.
Structure to hold driver state.
Device initialization parameters.
sx1280_reg_mod_t regulator
Power regulator mode.
spi_clk_t spi_clk
SPI clk.
gpio_t nss_pin
SPI NSS pin.
gpio_t reset_pin
Reset pin.
spi_mode_t spi_mode
SPI mode.
Device descriptor for the driver.
sx1280_params_t * params
Initialization parameters.
sx1280_hal_operating_mode_t mode
Operating Mode.
ral_params_lora_t ral_params_lora
LoRa modulation parameters.
ral_t ral
Radio abstraction.
netdev_t netdev
Netdev parent struct.