77#define SX127X_CHANNEL_DEFAULT (868300000UL)
78#define SX127X_HF_CHANNEL_DEFAULT (868000000UL)
79#define SX127X_RF_MID_BAND_THRESH (525000000UL)
80#define SX127X_XTAL_FREQ (32000000UL)
81#define SX127X_RADIO_WAKEUP_TIME (1U)
84#define SX127X_RX_SINGLE (false)
85#define SX127X_RX_BUFFER_SIZE (256)
86#define SX127X_RADIO_TX_POWER (14U)
89#define SX127X_IRQ_DIO0 (1 << 0)
90#define SX127X_IRQ_DIO1 (1 << 1)
91#define SX127X_IRQ_DIO2 (1 << 2)
92#define SX127X_IRQ_DIO3 (1 << 3)
93#define SX127X_IRQ_DIO4 (1 << 4)
94#define SX127X_IRQ_DIO5 (1 << 5)
105#ifndef SX127X_DIO_PULL_MODE
106#define SX127X_DIO_PULL_MODE (GPIO_IN_PD)
167#define SX127X_LOW_DATARATE_OPTIMIZE_FLAG (1 << 0)
169#define SX127X_ENABLE_CRC_FLAG (1 << 2)
170#define SX127X_CHANNEL_HOPPING_FLAG (1 << 3)
171#define SX127X_IQ_INVERTED_FLAG (1 << 4)
172#define SX127X_RX_CONTINUOUS_FLAG (1 << 5)
224#if defined(SX127X_USE_TX_SWITCH) || defined(SX127X_USE_RX_SWITCH)
Definitions low-level network driver interface.
Low-level GPIO peripheral driver interface definitions.
uint16_t gpio_t
GPIO type identifier.
void sx127x_set_rx(sx127x_t *dev)
Sets the radio in reception mode.
uint8_t sx127x_get_coding_rate(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the SX127X LoRa coding rate.
uint8_t sx127x_get_op_mode(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the SX127X operating mode.
uint16_t sx127x_get_preamble_length(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the SX127X preamble length.
bool sx127x_is_channel_free(sx127x_t *dev, uint32_t freq, int16_t rssi_threshold)
Checks that channel is free with specified RSSI threshold.
bool sx127x_get_iq_invert(const sx127x_t *dev)
Checks if the SX127X LoRa inverted IQ mode is enabled/disabled.
void sx127x_set_tx_power(sx127x_t *dev, int8_t power)
Sets the SX127X transmission power.
uint8_t sx127x_get_max_payload_len(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the maximum payload length.
void sx127x_set_sleep(sx127x_t *dev)
Sets the radio in sleep mode.
void sx127x_set_bandwidth(sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t bandwidth)
Sets the SX127X bandwidth.
void sx127x_set_coding_rate(sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t coderate)
Sets the SX127X LoRa coding rate.
void sx127x_set_payload_length(sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t len)
Sets the SX127X payload length.
uint32_t sx127x_random(sx127x_t *dev)
Generates 32 bits random value based on the RSSI readings.
uint8_t sx127x_get_tx_power(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the SX127X TX radio power.
void sx127x_set_iq_invert(sx127x_t *dev, bool iq_invert)
Enable/disable the SX127X LoRa IQ inverted mode.
void sx127x_setup(sx127x_t *dev, const sx127x_params_t *params, uint8_t index)
Setup the SX127X.
int sx127x_init(sx127x_t *dev)
Initializes the transceiver.
void sx127x_set_rx_timeout(sx127x_t *dev, uint32_t timeout)
Sets the SX127X RX timeout.
uint32_t sx127x_get_time_on_air(const sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t pkt_len)
Computes the packet time on air in milliseconds.
void sx127x_set_crc(sx127x_t *dev, bool crc)
Enable/Disable the SX127X CRC verification mode.
void sx127x_set_channel(sx127x_t *dev, uint32_t freq)
Sets the channel RF frequency.
int16_t sx127x_read_rssi(const sx127x_t *dev)
Reads the current RSSI value.
uint8_t sx127x_get_hop_period(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the SX127X frequency hopping period.
void sx127x_set_modem(sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t modem)
Configures the radio with the given modem.
void sx127x_set_max_payload_len(const sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t maxlen)
Sets the maximum payload length.
void sx127x_dio_irq_handler_t(sx127x_t *dev)
Hardware IO IRQ callback function definition.
void sx127x_set_spreading_factor(sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t sf)
Sets the SX127X LoRa spreading factor.
uint8_t sx127x_flags_t
SX127X IRQ flags.
void sx127x_set_hop_period(sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t hop_period)
Sets the SX127X frequency hopping period.
void sx127x_start_cad(sx127x_t *dev)
Start a channel activity detection.
void sx127x_set_fixed_header_len_mode(sx127x_t *dev, bool mode)
Sets the SX127X to fixed header length mode (explicit mode)
uint8_t sx127x_get_state(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets current state of transceiver.
void sx127x_set_op_mode(const sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t op_mode)
Sets the SX127X operating mode.
void sx127x_set_state(sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t state)
Sets current state of transceiver.
bool sx127x_get_rx_single(const sx127x_t *dev)
Checks if the SX127X LoRa RX single mode is enabled/disabled.
void sx127x_set_syncword(sx127x_t *dev, uint8_t syncword)
Sets the synchronization word.
void sx127x_set_tx(sx127x_t *dev)
Sets the radio in transmission mode.
void sx127x_set_symbol_timeout(sx127x_t *dev, uint16_t timeout)
Sets the SX127X LoRa symbol timeout.
uint8_t sx127x_get_payload_length(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the SX127X payload length.
uint32_t sx127x_get_channel(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the channel RF frequency.
uint8_t sx127x_get_bandwidth(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the SX127X bandwidth.
void sx127x_set_preamble_length(sx127x_t *dev, uint16_t preamble)
Sets the SX127X LoRa preamble length.
uint8_t sx127x_get_syncword(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the synchronization word.
bool sx127x_get_fixed_header_len_mode(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the SX127X LoRa fixed header length mode.
int sx127x_reset(const sx127x_t *dev)
Resets the SX127X.
void sx127x_set_standby(sx127x_t *dev)
Sets the radio in stand-by mode.
uint8_t sx127x_get_spreading_factor(const sx127x_t *dev)
Gets the SX127X LoRa spreading factor.
void sx127x_set_tx_timeout(sx127x_t *dev, uint32_t timeout)
Sets the SX127X TX timeout.
void sx127x_set_rx_single(sx127x_t *dev, bool single)
Enable/disable the SX127X LoRa RX single mode.
void sx127x_init_radio_settings(sx127x_t *dev)
Initialize radio settings with default values.
void sx127x_set_freq_hop(sx127x_t *dev, bool freq_hop_on)
Sets the SX127X LoRa frequency hopping mode.
bool sx127x_get_crc(const sx127x_t *dev)
Checks if the SX127X CRC verification mode is enabled.
Failed to initialize GPIOs.
Initialization was successful.
Failed to initialize SPI bus or CS line.
No valid device version found.
Power amplifier boost (high power)
Sending state.
Receiving state.
Channel activity detection state.
Idle state.
Sending complete.
Channel change.
Channel activity detection complete.
Receiving CRC error.
Sending timeout.
Receiving complete.
Receiving timeout.
LoRa modem driver.
FSK modem driver.
Low-level SPI peripheral driver interface definition.
Structure to hold driver state.
uint32_t last_channel
Last channel in frequency hopping sequence.
bool is_last_cad_success
Sign of success of last CAD operation (activity detected)
ztimer_t tx_timeout_timer
TX operation timeout timer.
ztimer_t rx_timeout_timer
RX operation timeout timer.
LoRa configuration structure.
uint8_t datarate
Spreading factor rate, e.g datarate.
uint32_t rx_timeout
RX timeout in milliseconds.
uint8_t bandwidth
Signal bandwidth.
uint8_t freq_hop_period
Frequency hop period.
uint8_t flags
Boolean flags.
int8_t power
Signal power.
uint8_t coderate
Error coding rate.
uint16_t preamble_len
Length of preamble header.
uint32_t tx_timeout
TX timeout in milliseconds.
SX127X hardware and global parameters.
uint8_t paselect
Power amplifier mode (RFO or PABOOST)
gpio_t nss_pin
SPI NSS pin.
gpio_t dio1_pin
Interrupt line DIO1 (Rx timeout)
gpio_t dio4_pin
Interrupt line DIO4 (not used)
gpio_t dio3_pin
Interrupt line DIO3 (CAD done)
gpio_t dio0_pin
Interrupt line DIO0 (Tx done)
gpio_t reset_pin
Reset pin.
gpio_t dio5_pin
Interrupt line DIO5 (not used)
gpio_t dio2_pin
Interrupt line DIO2 (FHSS channel change)
sx127x_lora_settings_t lora
LoRa settings.
uint8_t modem
Driver model (FSK or LoRa)
uint32_t channel
Radio channel.
uint8_t state
Radio state.
SX127X device descriptor.
sx127x_params_t params
Device driver parameters.
sx127x_radio_settings_t settings
Radio settings.
netdev_t netdev
Netdev parent struct.
sx127x_internal_t _internal
Internal sx127x data used within the driver.
sx127x_flags_t irq
Device IRQ flags.
Utility library for comparing and computing timestamps.