38#define PCD8544_RES_X (84U)
39#define PCD8544_RES_Y (48U)
40#define PCD8544_COLS (14U)
41#define PCD8544_ROWS (6U)
48#define PCD8544_DEFAULT_CONTRAST (45U)
49#define PCD8544_DEFAULT_BIAS (3U)
50#define PCD8544_DEFAULT_TEMPCOEF (0U)
Low-level GPIO peripheral driver interface definitions.
void pcd8544_riot(const pcd8544_t *dev)
I wonder what this does -> find out!
void pcd8544_set_contrast(const pcd8544_t *dev, uint8_t contrast)
Set the contrast for the given display.
void pcd8544_poweroff(const pcd8544_t *dev)
Poser off the display.
void pcd8544_poweron(const pcd8544_t *dev)
Power on the display.
void pcd8544_set_bias(const pcd8544_t *dev, uint8_t bias)
Set the internal BIAS for the given display.
int pcd8544_init(pcd8544_t *dev, spi_t spi, gpio_t cs, gpio_t reset, gpio_t mode)
Initialize the given display.
void pcd8544_write_c(const pcd8544_t *dev, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const char c)
Write a single ASCII character to the display.
void pcd8544_invert(pcd8544_t *dev)
Invert the display (toggles dark and bright pixels)
void pcd8544_write_s(const pcd8544_t *dev, uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const char *str)
Write a string to a given position on the display.
void pcd8544_clear(const pcd8544_t *dev)
Clear the current display (clear the display memory)
int pcd8544_is_inverted(const pcd8544_t *dev)
Get the current inversion status of the display.
void pcd8544_write_img(const pcd8544_t *dev, const uint8_t img[])
Write an image to memory of the given display.
void pcd8544_set_tempcoef(const pcd8544_t *dev, uint8_t coef)
Set the temperature coefficient for the given display.
uint16_t gpio_t
GPIO type identifier.
Low-level SPI peripheral driver interface definition.
PCD8544 device descriptor.
gpio_t mode
mode pin: low: cmd mode, high: data mode
spi_t spi
SPI bus the display is connected to.
gpio_t reset
reset pin, low: active
uint8_t inverted
internal flag to keep track of inversion state
gpio_t cs
chip-select pin, low: active