37#define HD44780_MAX_COLS (40U)
42#define HD44780_MAX_ROWS (4U)
47#define HD44780_MAX_PINS (8U)
55#define HD44780_CGRAM_SIZE (8U)
Low-level GPIO peripheral driver interface definitions.
void hd44780_right2left(hd44780_t *dev)
Set display direction right to left.
void hd44780_scroll_left(const hd44780_t *dev)
Enable left scrolling.
Simple state values.
void hd44780_autoscroll(hd44780_t *dev, hd44780_state_t state)
Display autoscroll on or off.
void hd44780_cursor(hd44780_t *dev, hd44780_state_t state)
Show cursor, on or off.
void hd44780_scroll_right(const hd44780_t *dev)
Enable right scrolling.
#define HD44780_MAX_ROWS
Maximal number of rows supported by the driver.
void hd44780_left2right(hd44780_t *dev)
Set display direction left to right.
#define HD44780_MAX_PINS
Number of data pins for communication 4 or 8.
void hd44780_set_cursor(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t col, uint8_t row)
Set cursor to specific position in column and row.
void hd44780_write(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t value)
Write a single character on the LCD.
void hd44780_clear(const hd44780_t *dev)
Clear display, delete all chars.
void hd44780_print(const hd44780_t *dev, const char *data)
Write a string on the LCD.
void hd44780_home(const hd44780_t *dev)
Reset cursor to row 0 and column 0.
int hd44780_init(hd44780_t *dev, const hd44780_params_t *params)
Initialize the given driver.
void hd44780_create_char(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t location, uint8_t charmap[])
Create and store a custom character on display memory.
void hd44780_blink(hd44780_t *dev, hd44780_state_t state)
Blink cursor, on or off.
void hd44780_display(hd44780_t *dev, hd44780_state_t state)
Turn display on or off.
@ HD44780_ON
enable feature
@ HD44780_OFF
disable feature
uint16_t gpio_t
GPIO type identifier.
Parameters needed for device initialization.
uint8_t cols
number of LCD cols
gpio_t enable
enable gpio pin
uint8_t rows
number of LCD rows
Device descriptor for HD44780 LCD.
hd44780_params_t p
LCD config parameters.
uint8_t flag
LCD functional flags.
uint8_t mode
LCD mode flags.
uint8_t ctrl
LCD control flags.